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Hu-Dad is our complaint department. We feel quite free in voicing any and all criticisms directly to him.
Our biggest complaint at the moment is that we are having hot day after hot day here – and it is only June.
Oh, sure, our hot may not be the same as your hot. And we might have covered porches with ceiling fans to hang out all day. But we still expect him to do MORE about this hot weather.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
My Winter isn’t happy about it, either, although it hasn’t been too terrible yet in north Central Massachusetts. However, he’s pretty spoiled and knows exactly how to get comfortable. He’s quite delighted to spend time in his crate in our air-conditioned bedroom. On those hot and humid days, he sometimes makes only a few appearances the entire day. The rest of the time, he’s flaked out in the coolness, lying on his back with his paws in the air, like only a Sibe can do!
Cierra and Maggie are not thrilled with our weather also. We have been hovering around 98 degrees. They say to expect temps around 103 by tomorrow here in No California. Instead they spend most of their day by the a/c vent!
I saw a video where someone filled a baby pool up with bags of ice. Their husky loved it. I bet the Herd would too
Our Norwegian Elkhound is mad about the weather here in Maggie, too. Much heavy sighing and heaving herself into the shady grass and giving us the stinkeye…..
Mom sez: They tell us we’re headed into that “hot, hot, hot” weather, too, with temperatures up to 28 and 29 C. forecast for here. (Low to mid-80’s F. Not that hot where you are, maybe, but it is to the Peace Country of Northern BC, Canada. Time to bring out the wading pools.