Singing in the Rain

The fun part of any group of canines is that you get to know their eccentricities. For example, what member of The Herd is most likely to be found singing in the rain?


Someone’s fur coat is looking recently toweled.

Typhoon can sometimes be found playing in the rain, and sometimes taking cover, but Qannik seems to have a consistent pattern of hanging out in the rain.

hanging fur

Hu-Dad will explain the hanging fur in the fence posts in just a moment.

Just yesterday, Q was napping on the covered porch when a storm rolled in. Q picked that exact moment to go hang out in the yard.

singing in the rain

Just back from singing in the rain.

P.S. – Ok, the hanging fur. Hu-Dad uses Air Force Commander 2-Speed Dryer 4.0 HP Motor S to blow our undercoat during shedding season. It is very effective, but the fur flies everywhere. And, yes, it can get hung in the fence posts.


  1. Cheryl Brunet on June 2, 2015 at 11:25 pm

    I am in need of one of those super duper “blowing coat” coat blowers. Do you know where can I find one?

    • The Thundering Herd on June 3, 2015 at 6:31 am

      We included a link to Amazon in the story. It is also available from many dog show sites and dog supply stores.

  2. Shari on June 2, 2015 at 8:46 am

    Qannik is the Gene Kelly of Sibes.

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