Naps Are Difficult

Sometimes, naps are difficult. You know you want to just rest for a little bit, but there is always something that is preventing a nice, relaxing nap.

Time for a good nap

Time for a good nap.

Sometimes your mind just races with things to do, but our challenge tends to come in the package of a little brother.

needing excitement

Did I hear the sound of someone bored and needing some excitement?

aren't trying to sleep

You aren’t trying to sleep, are you?


  1. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on May 31, 2015 at 5:04 am

    Mom sez: That Typhoon, he just can’t stand to see anyone being peaceful and quiet, can he? Very much like our Ebby was than when she first came to live with us.

    Ty, someday even you may grow up, and be happy to be left to lie peacefully somewhere, and get all upset when some “young upstart” of a pup disturbs YOUR “snooze time”!

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