Unexpected Sunshine

Our weather forecast for Monday was cloudy with rain returning. Nothing like returning from an S-RV weekend to some rainy, cloudy weather, and we were prepared for the worst. Imagine our surprise when we woke up to some unexpected sunshine.

sun feels good.

Ahhhhh. That sun feels so good.

When you get surprise sun, you must sunbathe in it. We all scrambled outside and spread out in strategic sunning spots.


Qannik’s snoring could be heard from inside the house.

But you know no matter how nice things are, there is always that one who has to find something to complain about.

a little warm.

Whew. That is getting a little warm.


  1. Zoe on March 24, 2015 at 6:09 am

    Oh they look so content
    Although I think her highness would like hu-dad (aka the butler) to hold an umbrella so she doesn’t have to move to find shade and perhaps some fanning lol

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