Vet Checks and Weigh-Ins

Yesterday was a day of vet checks and weigh-ins for three members of The Herd. So let’s check in on the results.

not moving

I am not moving off of this couch.

Cheoah had her teeth cleaned and a tooth removed because it was damaged. On the bright side, upon waking up from her surgery, she serenaded the vet staff with her own special song that she usually saves for the Hu-dad. For any of you who forget how vocal Cheoah can be, here is a reminder (not the post-surgery song).

We also had weigh-ins from the dueling diets, Qannik trying to lose weight from 64.5 lbs and Typhoon trying to gain weight from 40 lbs. So how did they do?

scale lies

61.2? The scale lies.

Poor Q-Tip. At our last weigh-in a few weeks ago, he had dropped to 62.5 lbs, so we had high hopes of being below 60. Unfortunately, the weight loss has slowed and he still has a few weeks of the green bean diet to go (substitute a portion regular good with green beans to reduce calories but maintain bulk).

how much did I gain?

And me? How much did I gain?

Typhoon has gained all of 2 lbs to be at 42 lbs. So, unfortunately for him, Typhoon will have to continue with extra portions.

And, yes, Qannik says he does not feel sorry for Typhoon one little bit.


  1. Golden Daily Scoop on March 5, 2015 at 8:36 am

    Keep up the hard work, guys! We keeping our paws crossed that you reach your goals! Miley just started out on a diet, she has a few to lose! 🙂

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