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As our shake down weekend continues, we are all enjoying exploring the RV and finding the most fun places. Typhoon has staked his favorite spot:
Yes, the human sleeping compartment is actually above the garage, so there are steps from the main living area to the sleeping compartment. Typhoon thought it was great fun to run up those steps.
Of course, regular readers know that Typhoon has a little issue with heights and will not even jump out of the Jeep when asked. Coming back down the steps seemed to be quite the issue for the Little Prince.
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Our readers had some terrific questions yesterday, so let’s try to answer those:
How did you decide who had the top bunks and who had the bottom?
The answers are really easy:
Queen Natasha the Evil – Are you kidding? The Queen? Of course she has a top bunk unless the Hu-dad really wants to hear her Grumble Bunny impression all day.
Kiska – As the right paw of QNTE, where else would she be?
Qannik – Please note the discussion we have had the last few weeks about his diet as the heaviest member of The Herd. Bottom bunk.
Typhoon – See above his issue with heights. On the bottom level, you need only open the door, and out he bounds. On the top level, it requires major coaxing and prying.
Frankie and Cheoah – Total coin toss here, but Frankie is a little heavier than Cheoah, so Hu-dad opted for the lighter dog on top.
Do you have to lift them into the second level?
With Queen Natasha’s and Cheoah’s knee surgeries, Hu-dad is opting to boost them into and out of their second story crates. Miss Kiska, however, simply hops up and down.
Securing the crates
Excellent point and we will dedicate a post to this shortly, but this is actually the reason that we really like this S-RV. Notice that the garage floor has tie down points which allow us to secure the crates to the floor. The upper crates are then secured both to the lower crates as well as to the wall. Part of our shake down this weekend is testing the security of our crate design and we will be making some modifications to make it even safer. The Hu-dad is a little neurotic about making sure we are always safe.
Thanks for the great questions!
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Ahhhh we have a toy hauler
But we carry our motorcycles (thus the tie downs on the floors)
So our fur babies have to ride in the family area