Dueling Diets

We are the home of dueling diets – Qannik trying to lose weight and Typhoon working on gaining weight. And Saturday was the latest weigh-in day.

did everything.

I did everything I could. Absolutely everything.

During his annual exam, Qannik had weighed in at an amazing 64.5 lbs (29.3 kg). He has been working hard on the green bean diet (reducing kibble by about 1/3 and adding plain, unsalted green beans to his meals so that he will not feel hungry) plus extra walks every day. At his first weigh-in a couple of weeks ago, he had dropped to 62.5 lbs. (28.3 kg) and we were hoping for more progress.

We arrived at the vet and were walking to the door when Qannik decided to shed every ounce he could. He did that by, well, you know, relieving himself. Hey, it all counts when you are on a diet.

His weight was 60.8 lbs (27.6 kg). Right direction, but not as far as we want. The green bean diet continues.


Typhoon eagerly awaiting his weigh-in.

Typhoon is quite the opposite problem. To say he is a picky eater is an extreme understatement and he barely crossed the 40 lb mark. We are determined to bulk him up appropriately and he weighed in at 42.5 lbs (19.3 kg). Like Qannik – right direction, but further still to go.

All of our readers know that one of Typhoon’s many nicknames is the Little Price because of his haughty ways. He is also known as Munchkin because of his small size. This is how we earn nicknames.

weight gain

Don’t hate me because I’m skinny (and, yes, he is beginning to blow coat).

So Qannik gets green beans and Typhoon gets extra proteins – the fun of a multi-dog household where everyone’s needs have to be met. But no one complains, right?

extra food

Wait just a minute? What do you mean he gets extra food?

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  1. Sam on February 2, 2015 at 5:53 am

    We also have Harlow on a diet, but we aren’t sure how the vet says she could be overweight. If she eats a meal a day we are happy. Most of the time she just walks away, which we are fine with, and Monty finishes her meal. Since he can always use a little extra weight, we are good with that too! Good luck!

    Monty and Harlow

  2. Donna Wolfe on February 1, 2015 at 11:55 pm

    Honestly, Typhoon is just a racing type “husky” long and lean, but if you want to put on some pounds, this is what show people use to ‘beef up’. Satin Ball – I have used them for years to put weight on dogs just out of the shelter, they really do work, and man what a coat shine you get!!


    Feed raw, can freeze to preserve (all natural) use Total cereal, not generic, and hamburger, not ground chuck,you want the fat for the coat, have fun!!

  3. T.J. on February 1, 2015 at 12:20 pm

    I have a similar situation going on. And Typhoon almost has a female doppleganger: Our little Sibe, Poco, could be his double except that both of her eyes are brown and she has hearts over them with just a slight shadow underneath. Like Typhoon, she is smaller in stature, weighs about the same, is a picky eater, is quite haughty, levitates, and has been nicknamed “the little Princess” because I’ve had to start hand-feeding her in order to get her to eat and keep our other (overweight) dog from gobbling up her food.

    Which brings me to some questions: With so many, how do you handle their feedings? And do any of them ever steal the others’ treats?

    • D.K. Wall (Hu-dad) on February 1, 2015 at 2:37 pm

      We all eat our meals inside our crates. Hu-dad mutters something about it brings some level of sanity to the chaos, whatever that means. But it does preventing us from eating each other’s food, squabbles, etc.

      • T.J. on February 2, 2015 at 8:20 am

        Ah, what a smart hu-dad you have!

  4. Rosie and TillySue on February 1, 2015 at 8:28 am

    I just love your blog, the pictures and the stories! Xxoo to the herd!

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