TPLO Recovery Week 10 & 13


Natasha patrolling Sibe Quentin – without a leash!

Monday, we had our last recheck of our TPLO recovery at Western Carolina Veterinary Surgery and both passed with flying colors. Natasha, 13 weeks post TPLO surgery to return her torn CCL, has been released for supervised off-leash time in the yard and a slow re-introduction to the full Herd life. She still needs to avoid the “full contact sports” of a typical Siberian Husky for a few more weeks, but she will get increasing amounts of time in the yard with everyone else.


Close. I am getting so close.

Cheoah, 10 weeks post TPLO surgery, is still restricted to leash walks, but is continuing to progress well – so well that we do not have any more scheduled follow ups (though we can certainly call them if needed). But with her “coach” along for the walks, we expect her to be off leash in just a few weeks.

Natasha and Cheoah

Natasha encouraging Cheoah to keep the walks going.

Our doctor even posted the news on his Facebook page – you can see it here!


  1. Donna Wolfe on December 18, 2014 at 2:42 pm

    What Wonderful Wonderful news!! So glad they are both doing so well, I know your Vet is a great one, but I know how much of the recovery is due to Hu’man care too!!

    Congrats to ALL invilved!!

  2. Mom 'n Ice on December 17, 2014 at 4:54 am

    Mom ‘n Ice:- BOTH say, YESSSSSS, great news about both ‘Tasha and Cheoah. Wonderful to see how well they’ve healed, and are almost back to “normal?” Herd life! Just take it easy, gals, and remember that you ain’t as young as you used to was!

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