Making a Spectacle of Ourselves

While we are quite used to being the center of attention, we outdid things yesterday in making a spectacle of ourselves. Ready for a little story?

Out for a Jeep ride
Out for a Jeep ride.

We were out for a Jeep ride on Highway 17 by-pass in Myrtle Beach, SC, yesterday afternoon. Now on a Friday afternoon, that road is quite crowded and Hu-dad estimates about a million people were in line behind us at a traffic light. Ok, maybe he exaggerates, but bear with us and you will understand why he says it felt like that many people were watching.

As you can see in the picture above, Qannik and Kiska ride in their seat belts in the back of the Jeep. The first clue Hu-dad had that things were not quite right was Kiska making her squeaky noise. As you already know, Kiska is in charge of security and sounds the alarm anytime we have intruders. She also feels responsible for order at all times and when something is out of place, she begins to squeak in protest. She was squeaking and Hu-dad kept asking her what was wrong, but he couldn’t identify the problem.

Typhoon and Natasha sit immediately behind the driver and passenger seats in their seat belts. As you all well know, Natasha grumbles about anything that does not suit her. The second clue for the Hu-dad was that Natasha began grumbling – loudly. Something was disturbing Her Highness, but Hu-dad remained clueless.

So now Hu-dad had Kiska squeaking and Natasha grumbling when the third and final clue was presented. Cheoah poked her head up between the driver and passenger seats and said hello.

Now this is important. Note that Frankie and Cheoah ride in the crate behind Typhoon and Natasha and in front of Qannik and Kiska. Repeat – inside the crate. Cheoah poking her head up front is only possible from outside the crate.

Traffic light is still red, so Human # 2 jumps out of the passenger side of the Jeep and opens the back door to escort Cheoah back into her crate. Easy, except that somehow, someway, Cheoah and Frankie have succeeded in removing one side of the crate. They are happily just sitting in the Jeep like it is a normal ride, but Hu-dad is, well, “Ack!” Human # 2 has both of them safely in grip and trying to reassemble the crate when . . . the traffic light turns green.

We need to pull the Jeep to the side of the road and get things under control, so Hu-dad coasts the Jeep through the intersection and to the side of the road. Of course, the other human was laying in the back, legs sticking out the still open back door, while holding the two loose dogs. To say that this is an unusual sight, even for Myrtle Beach, would be a massive understatement.

Safely to the side of the road, repairs were made to the crate and we were all once again carefully secured. So, yes, two humans fixing a crate and securing a Jeep load of Siberian Huskies did cause a traffic jam on Highway 17 in Myrtle Beach.

We try to keep our humans’ lives interesting.


  1. Juno's mom on February 23, 2022 at 12:05 pm

    That had to be entertaining for the people in traffic around you.

  2. HokiePack on February 23, 2022 at 11:49 am

    Love this ! If only a picture of the human legs hanging out the back of the Jeep ? Good to see all the Herd members that have passed ❤️ Ah Frankie you had a great Herd to grow up with !!

  3. Debbie & Miss Ruby on February 23, 2022 at 9:35 am

    Great story. Can’t imagine 6 Huskies in a Jeep. Humans always need to be entertained!!

  4. mary michaud on February 23, 2022 at 7:21 am

    would have loved to see that Jeep full of huskies on the road, love this story

  5. Jean Burkhardt on February 23, 2022 at 6:19 am

    I LOVE these Way Back Wednesday’s Hu-Dad. That must have been a real site and the topic of many people talking about the Jeep full of Siberians on the side of the road(AND) their humans trying to secure them all safely back in their places-or crates !!

  6. Zoe draughon on December 15, 2014 at 7:32 am

    And thank you for the longer stories
    We all so enjoy reading them
    But more importantly thank you for letting us peek into your bedlam

  7. Zoe draughon on December 15, 2014 at 7:27 am

    Sabo the German Shepherd (and premier escape artist) says that the key to success is overcoming the urge to come up and say hi!!!
    He says girls just have to talk and suggests to Frankie the next time he gets out do it with his brother!!

  8. Deborah on December 14, 2014 at 12:04 am

    I’m sure the herd was the talk around several dinner tables last night. Thanks for a good laugh!

  9. Marilyn and Zoe on December 13, 2014 at 8:26 am

    So Frankie and Cheezwhiz excel in teamwork. Let’s hope Typhoon doesn’t learn that lesson from them!

  10. Mom 'n Ice on December 13, 2014 at 3:42 am

    Mom sez: Guess the hu-Dad is just going to have to make sure all the pliers, screwdrivers, wire crimps, etc. are safely stored out of reach of Frankie and Cheoah’s crates so they can’t “disassemble” their crates again! Once they were free, out in the jeep, just praise the Lord they didn’t try to “bail”!

    • D.K. Wall (Hu-dad) on December 13, 2014 at 7:48 am

      Fortunately, Cheoah and Frankie are the two least likely candidates for a Walk About.

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