TPLO Recovery Week 6 & 9

No sling

No sling!

Cheoah’s picture above says it all. The fact that she no longer has to use the sling is the headline news of our TPLO Recovery update.

Her x-rays revealed that the bone is healing well, though a little slower than where Natasha was at the same point (six weeks post surgery). We will begin short 10 minute walks with Cheesewhiz, but will be slower about adding distance and frequency to those walks. We will take additional x-rays in about four weeks to make sure the area is continuing to heal.

But even though her recovery is a little slower, Cheoah no longer has to use that dreaded sling and begin her bathroom breaks just on a leash. We are still weeks away from her full-time return to the rest of The Herd.

As we mentioned yesterday, Natasha’s walks are now long enough that we have added Kiska to her walks. Natasha is getting closer to the point of being off-leash with the rest of The Herd and re-establishing her bond with Kiska is part of that planning process.

in step

We are even in step with each other today.



  1. KB on November 18, 2014 at 9:54 pm

    Wonderful update. I’m glad that Cheoah is out of the sling, and that Natasha can walk with her packmate. I must note however, that the human is not in step with the two coordinated dogs!

  2. Jenna,Mark “HuskyCrazed” Drady on November 18, 2014 at 8:46 am

    Wonderful update, i’m so glad things are going well!
    ჊ husky hugz ჊ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  3. Mom 'n Ice on November 18, 2014 at 3:15 am

    Mom sez: Good for Cheoah! Maybe a little slower than ‘Tasha, but maybe it’ll be that much stronger for all that! Love the photo with ‘Tasha and Kiska “in step”. That looks so neat!

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