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We have had a stretch of very mild – even warm – weather, but that all changed last night as the temperature dropped back below freezing. In fact, we are not expected to get back above freezing until early next week, so we have a few cold days in front of us. Of course, we are rough, tough sled dogs, right, so the cold weather doesn’t bother us, does it?
Hey, we live a rough, tough life here at Chez Herd.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Mom sez: I’ve noticed even our 12-year-old, arthritic Ice-Man has become a “new guy” with the advent of the colder weather. It’s almost like he’s finally getting over mourning for Ayla, and has been out in the back yard in our 8 inches of snow, finding some of his old bones, and tossing them around, jumping into the snow after them. Though, when he IS in the house, he still likes to curl up in his corner in the hallway, or on our bed.
I’m a first-time husky owner, living in the South. Our temps are down around freezing too and our 1-year-old husky seems to get more energy the colder it gets! He is loving this after living through our humid summers. Loving it though, even though I have to get out in the cold for our “run”. I jog….he races.
Ah, yes, our youngsters – Typhoon in particular – have had a blast running and playing in this cold weather. The seniors – er, more experienced member of the Herd – say there is nothing wrong with indoor time on cold days.
That looks about right Hu-Dad after the quick walk and cold paw mine do the same. Stay warm