Friday in the Office

End of the week. End of the week. Yes, it is Friday in the office and it has been a long week. Oh, sure, the Hu-dad tries to get a lot of work done in his study, but he has two full-time companions now that Cheoah and Natasha are both recovering from their TPLO surgery.

snore loudly

What do you mean I snore loudly?

Cheoah is quite the snorer. She can get the Hu-dad really tickled while he is working because of all of the snoring. Oh, sure, he has worked in plenty of offices through the years where co-workers may not have been the most industrious, but he doesn’t remember anyone who snored this loudly in an office.

talk too much

But when I am awake, the Hu-dad complains that I talk too much.

Long-time readers will remember that we used to call Cheoah the “I wanna” dog. Why? Because she would constantly vocalize her “I wanna’s” at a very loud volume. Let’s just say that her vocal demands have returned with a vengeance.

difficult patient

And you thought I was going to be the difficult patient.


  1. All Things Collie on October 24, 2014 at 5:35 pm

    Aww, you have to feel bad for those two. It can’t be easy for active dogs to be on crate rest. But we had to laugh…I think I have heard a coworker snoring…a time or two!

  2. Juno's mom on October 24, 2014 at 10:31 am

    Any chance you could upload audio/videos of Cheoah? We could share your ‘pain!’ 😉

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