Play Time

When you are the youngest dog in The Herd, you have one question on your mind at all time, “Is it play time yet?”

Whatcha doing?

Hey, Frankie. Whatcha doing on the picnic table? Wanna play?

we can run

Come on down, big brother. We can run and play and run and wrestle and run . . .

come on

Cheoah can’t play for weeks so you get me 24/7. Aren’t you lucky?

play time

Oh, boy, oh, boy, it’s play time!

ready to rumble

Get ready to rumble!


  1. Kenneth Pierson on October 19, 2014 at 2:11 pm

    Leena insisted this cool morning that I get up as well. I’ve been turning the AC down to keep it cool as all my electronics keep it warm in here. Hopefully soon we won’t have to. But this morning she was barking up a storm. Mom thought she wanted to go out, but as soon as she was asked what she wanted she ran into my room and jumped on the bed and started mauling me. All she wanted was help getting me up lol.

  2. DJ on October 19, 2014 at 1:30 pm

    Our girl Cierra (9 yrs old) also has been getting a blast of the Zoomies on these cooler mornings too. Once she is out of her crate no one is allowed to sleep in! Her Zoomies start in the living room, then to the bedroom where she jumps up in it regardless if you are in it, screams at you to get up now, then runs back to living room and repeats several more times! lol I love fall!

  3. Carolyn on October 19, 2014 at 7:48 am

    Poor Cheese. You all are going to have to make so sure she is completely 10000% well before Typhoon can whirl around her again. Whew. I know she must miss playing with them!! Poor thing. My older husky is starting to slow down a bit, not as many wild body-slams and zoomies as before, but the cooler mornings bring the puppy out in her again. I love it when they zoom and get crazy!

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