Cold, Rainy, Foggy, Sleepy Sunday

We had a cold, rainy, foggy, sleepy Sunday and had to make the best of it. Here are some pictures from around Chez Herd to let you know our response to the weather.


As the Queen of the house, I spent my day making sure that everyone was doing the proper thing.


Cheoah was responsible for making sure the living room couch did not float away from a sudden loss of gravitational pull.

making the bed

Kiska and Qannik were in charge of “making” the bed.


Though Kiska showed off her lady like skills by insisting to the hu-dad that Qannik deserved all of the credit.

tending fire

Frankie was responsible for monitoring the fire and letting the hu-dad know anytime a log needed to be added.

too much flash

Typhoon made sure the hu-dad didn’t use the flash too much when taking pictures.

Aren’t you impressed with how hard we worked?


  1. Mom 'n Ice on March 17, 2014 at 5:32 am

    Mom sez: Such a hard-working crew I have never seen. You must all have put your whole hearts into your work today! Me ‘n Ice sure hope your efforts were appreciated. (BTW, the photo of the hard(ly) working Typhoon, with his nose buried under his tail, and one eye open is absolutely priceless!)

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