Comfort Zone

The Herd always tries to convince others that they live a rough life, but it is really just a matter of your own comfort zone.

comfortable couch

Sure, this couch may look comfortable.

sister Cheoah

And sharing the couch with my sister, Cheoah, is fun, but what is that I see across the room?

most comfortable.

Some puppy over there seems to have claimed the most comfortable spot.


Does anyone think he looks guilty about having the best spot?

apparently not

Apparently not.


  1. Kimberly Parker on October 3, 2013 at 1:03 am

    He who dares much, gains much! lol

  2. Ice 'n Ayla on October 2, 2013 at 3:48 am

    Ayla sez: Our hu-Mom says “comfort is a state of mind”, but me ‘n Ice think it’s also a state of “body”, and the Herd all looks mighty COMFORTABLE to me!

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