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Saturday dinner was ready and we were setting the table outside on the back porch area – enclosed inside Sibe Quentin but fenced off so that it is a dog free zone. So the answer to “Guess who’s coming to dinner?” does not include any of The Herd.
Typhoon continues his amazing timing skills by disturbing a nest of field mice and chasing them on to the human porch – just as dinner was being served.
Never a dull moment at Chez Herd.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
OoOoO! Why can’t all those fuzzy Critters BIG and small just stay away from our property! This is our House! This is our yard! Move it…
Well done, Typhoon!!!!
hello typhoon its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am sorry yore hyoomans did not appreesheeayt yore attemt to serv them an appetizer!!! it wuz verry nice of yoo to try to help owt eeven tho they ekslooded yoo frum the dinner party!!! ok bye
Love his look of intense concentration — that spells trouble in our backyard when Zoe has that look!