Referee Close Call

In all games – including “tackle-wrestle-bitey face-body slam-tag you’re it” – there are rules. And when there are rules, you always need a referee to make the close call. Shall we review a little instant replay?

illegal hold

Typhoon is claiming that Frankie is using an illegal hold.

critical call

Let’s see what Referee Cheesewhiz has to say as she makes her critical call.

teeth rules

She checks the use of teeth carefully as the rules are very complex.

legal hold

She declares it a legal hold. The game of “tackle-wrestle-bitey face-body slam-tag you’re it” can resume!


  1. siku marie on August 22, 2013 at 12:26 am

    Fair and impartial! Good call, Cheoah. Let the games continue!

  2. Sam on August 21, 2013 at 3:37 pm

    I agree – I thought it was just one pup holding his head rather strangely against the couch!


  3. Kimberly Parker on August 21, 2013 at 2:43 am

    It took me a minute to realize that Typhoon is in these photos too! lol

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