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A Kibble Jar
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Ummmm, my vet visit NEVER comes with p’butter?!?!?!
Our old vets used to give us tinned fish (cat food) and it made going to the vet really really easy! I used to try to visit the vet each time we walked past! Now the stinky new vets just give us dried kibble 🙁 AND they take our temperature regularly *shudders* – only had that once in 6 years at the old place!!!!
Did somebody say peanut butter???? I am SO there!
Ayla sez: Dr. Trevor doesn’t have peanut butter. He just has some crunchy liver treats. Me ‘n Ice would rather have peanut butter. Going to ask the hu-Mom to tell him we’d rather have peanut butter, too!
Hey Ma, WTD?!? How come my vet doesn’t offer peanut butter?!? You need to fix that problem Ma! Tell the the Herd’s get it!! Ma?!? hear me?!? Come on…call them!!!!
Hey! We never get peanut butter at the vet!
We all know young ones don’t have patience lol some older ones don’t either, but that’s another story. I hope all was well at the vet’s. Hugs and kisses to the herd.