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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Reminds me of my grandkids – picking on each other for the sheer joy of a tussle!
Ha ha ha! Well, hey, it’s Friday! When else are you going to cut loose?
Just a little love bite and tap from your siblings never hurt anyone π I had to share this with you…it’s just me and my sis right? We are 18 months apart. When we were younger we liked to mess with Mom by being together in our bedroom and clapping our hands together REAL loud and one of us would say “stop hitting me!” until our Mom would come running in to break up the fight and already be mad and then we’d each be sitting there clapping and laughing. Isn’t that awful! Gosh, I can’t believe we would do that to our poor Mom π …she used to always say one day your kids will pay you back…they have π
Ayla sez; Why do I have this feeling that “Some Pup” will end up getting back as good as he’s giving?