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Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of yesterday’s tragedy in Boston. We applaud the brave men and women who selflessly raced to the aid of the wounded without regard to their own potential danger.
Our prayers for safety and swiftness are also with the members of law enforcement and military who hunt down the cowards who would do such a thing.
We woo softly for all of you.
P.S. – The city seal contains the motto, “God be with us as he was with our fathers.”
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Excellent post, DK. Haven’t been leaving much commentary with you, but I read you every day.
Look at Sue and the Porties blog for another heartfelt blog about Boston and all the other places that have been hurt in the last few years.
Jo, Stella and zkhat
The more I hear of it, the more I sit in stunned silence. It’s hard to fathom the motivations in some people’s hearts. But at the same time, I’m so amazed and impressed by how the people there reacted to help others.
Thanks for the beautiful words especially about the seal. Our prayers are with them as well.
It is a very sad time. My thought’s and prayerd have been with them. There is no reason why we should even try to understand why this has happened. It is truly hard to understand very sick people. All we can do is pray for us all. For the people hurt and their families, the families of the ones who are gone, the people who did it, that they may be found and brought to justice, and for us to not live in fear so we can live our lives. May God bless us all and be merciful and just and may he lay his healing hand one the ones who were hurt. Hugs and kisses not only to the herd, but to everybody! God bless all!
Most of us that live up here either knew of someone running in yesterdays marathon or waiting at the finish line. There were alot of anxious moments. So senseless.
Hugs for you all….
Thank you for this post. Been reading your blog for a while and enjoy checking in with the Herd as they have given me many smiles. I’m from Boston and while shaken up it is heart warming knowing that people are thinking of the City at this time.