Goodbye Skiers; Hello Horses

Cataloochee Ski

Cataloochee Ski was eerily quiet on Sunday.

Congratulations to our neighbors Cataloochee Ski Area who closed for their 52nd season on Saturday after a record 149 days of skiing this year.  With an early October snow and tremendous snow making ability, they had a fantastic season.  Since they are our next door neighbor, it is amazing how quiet things get when they close for the season.  We look forward to their return in late October / early November as the weather permits.


Queen Natasha the Evil says to wake her when the horses return.

The change of seasons here also mean our other neighbors, Cataloochee Ranch, will welcome their horses back on Wednesday!  The horses winter in much warmer climates, but return to their 1000+ acre ranch in early spring.  The Herd loves seeing their “big dog” neighbors back in their fields.

If you want a really unique vacation, rent a cabin at the ranch and enjoy horseback rides along their many fabulous trails – including one right past Chez Herd!  Ok, ok, the fact that the ranch and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park share a boundary might be more interesting to most tourists, but we will still wave and woo if we see you.  (Fine, the hu-dad reminds us that we are not allowed to woo when the horses pass by, but you get our point).


Though this picture is from last summer, the horses return to Cataloochee Ranch Wednesday!

Of course, since our way into the valley and town is through the ranch, we do have one of the more unique rush hour traffic scenarios.  In case you are curious, the horses always have the right of way!

Traffic jam

This time of year, we trade skier traffic for different traffic jams.

P.S. – As required by all of those obnoxious disclosure laws, we want to be clear that we have no financial interest in – nor do we receive any compensation from – our wonderful neighbors Cataloochee Ranch and Cataloochee Ski Area (or the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, for that matter).  They are all three just fantastic neighbors and we like to see them do well.

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  1. Andrea on April 2, 2013 at 5:47 pm

    What a glorious heavenly place you live in!! I can’t even imagine the beautiful sights & sounds all year round. What a blessing! Thank you for letting all of us have a peek too!


  2. Ice 'n Ayla on April 2, 2013 at 12:33 pm

    Ayla sez: You Herd members sure have the best life ever. Me ‘n Ice would give anything to be able to run with you, even for just one day!

  3. Max's Ma on April 2, 2013 at 8:58 am

    Wow!! You really are living the dream!! Sooo gorgeous!!! If I ever am there, forget the wave..,I’m coming over!! 😉

  4. Barbara on April 2, 2013 at 8:06 am

    If I could afford one of those wonderful cabins and saw Chez Herd I would be offended if they did not Woo Woo their hellos! Nothing more precious than a happy Husky!

  5. Sam on April 2, 2013 at 7:00 am

    I’d love to see all those horses!


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