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For those of you who are unfamiliar with a picket line, it is a long cable that has a series of short “drop” cables. That way, you can connect a series of dogs to the line at one time. We posted this picture of The Herd on a picket line yesterday on our Facebook Page shortly after arriving at the campsite.
When we are camping, like we are this weekend at Big Ridge State Park, it is critical that the dogs know how to behave on the picket line. Since this is Typhoon’s first RV trip with us, he is working hard at getting used to the rules of camping. The first rule is to stay quiet on the line and not get distracted with all of the movement going on around you in the campground.
Ok, so he might need a little more practice.
P.S. – He actually did quite well. Only once did he have to go inside the RV to his crate because he was making too much noise. Really good for a rookie.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
See…Typhoon has ALWAYS been a sweet boy. Even Baby Typhoon 🙂
Oh, the good ol’ days when there were six.
Camping can be a trying time with one Sibe. Can’t imagine sooo many!!
Look at that face on Typhoon from back in 2013!!! I think he did well though for his first camping trip!!
hello thundering herd its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow i hav never herd of dogs wurking the picket line before!!! wot ar yoo protesting??? not enuf treets??? not enuf snow??? do yoo need me to mayk yoo up sum signs to shaym the hyoomans into meeting yore demands??? just let me no wot i can do to help yoo fite the power!!! ok bye
What great camp neighbors you are. Many folks are not as thoughtful of the others wanting peace and quiet.
Looking good!
Way to go Typhoon! We are really impressed. I don’t think I would be able to ignore a bird either, let alone a squirrel!
Ty looks like he’s doing better than I thought he would. He’ll get the hang of it in no time, I’m sure.
Sounds like he’ll be a pro in no time!
Only once?
Sounds like a good job!
Have fun
Kisses and hugs
He looks like he’s settling right in…that bird had some nerve doing a fly-by! Sheesh…how’s a Husky to think? Happy running!
He really is a pretty good puppy! Now if we could get the Hu-Dad to come and teach Kuster to be quiet…
Ty is so lucky to have the wisdom of his pack! He looks like he’s doing pretty well!
Peer pressure works great in training newbies to follow the rules. And the crate you say? I’ve always wondered how people camped with Sibes.
Glad to hear the rookie is doing great! Have fun!
That’s pretty good ty. I am so glad your all having a good time. Keep up the great work ty. Hugs and kisses to the herd.
so that’s how you make them be quiet? you put them in the RV? and it WORKS? wow. and they say sibes can’t be trained… ha!
Laughing – It does not keep a Sibe quiet, but it does add insulation around a noisy temper tantrum which means a Sibe can not bother the neighbors – as much,
do the rest of the herd look at him like he’s an embarrassment or problem child? or do they pretend they don’t know him? i’ll bet he’s all, WTF? why aren’t the rest protesting?
and how did you train all 6 at once in the beginning? just put whomever was noisy back in the RV and take them out when they were quiet?