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At the end of the winter, Queen Natasha the Evil has been careful to select the right souvenir to remember this winter from. Can you spot it?
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
A wonderful memory of Queen Natasha! Maybe you DID store it in the freezer for her!!!
Ah the Queen and her Spector ! Long live the Queen ?
That is a cute picture. They all enjoy the snow in their own way!!
That’s hilarious! Maybe you could put it in the freezer – she’d be so excited if you pulled it out and gave it to her in July. =)
Awww…Hu-dad, put it in the freezer for her and get it out in August!
Ayla sez: Just wondering, Your Highness Natasha, did the snowball MAKE it back to the car?
Is a snow making machine next on the shopping list? 😉
Well chosen, Queen Natasha, but we hope you brought an ice chest so you can save it for summertime.
Oh Natasha Queen of It All, you have set me up with a big smile first thing Monday morning. You are so fine.