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P.S. – Yes, these pictures were taken prior to the hu-dad replacing our cushion on the chaise lounge.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Wooo that is such a cute photo, cosy cuddley pups.
We love the photos! It’s really good to see happy pups staying together. So sweet indeed!
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie
You’re right! I can’t help saying “awwww!”
Awwww…that’s so sweet!
At our house, we have the same problem as Coralee & Finn. Ayla can be such a little “bag” at times, and if Ice gets up on our bed first, she will NOT get up there and lie down beside him. If she gets there first, the moment Ice jumps up too, she’s GONE. The only place we can get her to stay put with Ice is in the van, on the bed we’ve fixed up for them for traveling. They WILL share that! Or, lying on the livingroom rug, they’ll lie down side-by-side, but she WILL not share a bed, or chesterfield, or her house, though it IS plenty big enough for both of them. No, they each have to have their own housees. I’ve often wondered, when we can get such extreme cold temperatures up here (-35 to -40 C), if she’d freeze to death outside before she’d snuggle up with Ice for warmth. (Fortunately, we don’t LET them stay outside at those temperatures, but have wondered —- what if?)
Too sweet! Two fur babies snuggling – That would NEVER happen at our house!
Awww! Great photos! Surely neither of these innocent boys could have shredded that cushion. 🙂
Awwww, indeed. That is so cute! I’m glad that Typhoon is fitting right into Herd life. He’s a great addition!
Aw, that IS really cute. We noticed that big brother has the cushier end of the chaise.
You are so right! My first thought was awwww. Those are such a great pictures. Thank you for sharing those. I love seeing all the pictures you post. I miss my Aries so much. I love my Bruce very much, but Aries has my heart. I miss seeing all the sib stuff he did, but I get to see them through your pictures. Hugs and kisses to the herd.