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As followers of our Facebook page know, the seniors – Natasha, Rusty and Kiska – all went to the vet Monday for their regular check-up. Don’t worry, the juniors all get to go next Monday. But we have not shared the funniest part of the visit.
Kiska, as you may know, had a pretty rough start in life before she came to Chez Herd. She has come a long ways in her trust of humans, but she still can be very nervous in stressful situations. Our vet office is terrific and the staff works really hard to make every animal comfortable, but with a patient like Kiska you just need a little extra. Thus – peanut butter.
Really, it says it right in her medical records. Both a vet tech and the veterinarian told me that it said peanut butter in the notes. The staff uses a big spatula of peanut butter to distract Kiska from the various poking and prodding that is required. And it works big time.
The problem, however, was not with Kiska. Kiska was the last of the three to be examined and Natasha and Rusty were looking wide-eyed at the fact that Kiska was getting peanut butter during the exam – but they had not had one bit for their just completed exams.
Which brings us to Queen Natasha the Evil. QNTE expects everything to go exactly as she plans it and she can be quite emotional when her plans go awry. The fact that her sister was getting a giant glob of peanut butter and QNTE got nothing was too much to bear. When QNTE is frustrated, she takes it out on whatever pup is standing closest. Poor, innocent Rusty was standing there drooling over the peanut butter when QNTE snapped in his direction.
Everything was under control in seconds and the vet tech radioed for peanut butter to be served to everyone (nothing like someone coming in with the GIANT jar of peanut butter to bring calm to the situation).
The funniest part – a new note has been entered in the medical records, this time for QNTE, “You can’t blame a girl for a little frustration over peanut butter to her sister.”
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
P.S. – All initial results came back fine for everyone. Rusty has successfully lost a couple of pounds to take pressure off of his spine (he was of normal weight before, but this is an extra precaution). Full lab results will be back in a day or so.
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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
Glad to hear all initial tests are normal.
Love the part about peanut butter in medical records. Too funny.
Never expect less from QNTE and poor Rusty….Take one for the team!
Our vet uses frozen baby food for the nervous ones. Actually, R was once nervous but isn’t anymore. But, he still gets the baby food!
Love that it’s in the notes! I’m glad that everyone is healthy.
QNTE knows what she is doing. Seriously.
Sam goes for his Senior check-up tonight. I’ll guarantee you he won’t get any peanut butter! I’d better not tell him.
Wow. I can’t imagine if Fi got peanut butter and Abby didn’t. Seriously. The fallout would probably destroy the neighboring states. Luckily both girls can manage the vet visits without peanut butter, but I bet they wouldn’t say no. And would bribe anyone possible to have it noted in their charts! 🙂
-Dr. Liz, who has only resorted to dried lamb lung at the vet (so far)
There is nothing worse in dogdom than peanut butter breath on another dog.
ahhh – the master plan has worked – peanut butter for all!!
I laugh around here too about vet visits. My friendliest most outgoing cat (Mozart) is the one with the word “caution” on his medical file since he has decided to try to EAT the vet the last couple of times. sigh…..
It would seem peanut butter can diffuse most situations! Glad they all got a clean bill of health.
Go Rusty! I am working on getting weight off my Shelby. What is his secret? (Of course, discovering that SHelby was stealing Maddox’s food, because he likes to hoard it, was a big reason for the sudden alarming weight gain so hopefully it will come off soon).
I love Kiska. I am so glad that all the ‘seniors’ are fine.
Much to Rusty’s horror, the answer is the same for we humans – less food. (P.S. – An old trick – you can add green beans – preferably unsalted green beans – for bulk with the dog food. The green beans are low in calories but add bulk so that the dog feels full. That way thy are eating less of the higher calorie dog food, but still feel full).
Hee hee hee! I guess the Queen has spoken! I’m glad to hear that everyone’s initial tests came back looking positive.
Poor Rusty, just an innocent bystander.
I don’t blame the Evil One, who the heck said pb was just for Natasha?? Thank goodness it’s now it the charts!! BOL!
Its always great to hear a “herd” story and this one was especially fun. No, not to QNTE, but she got what she wanted . . .did everyone else?