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The weather outside might bore young Frankie, but he found a better rainy day option by training the Hu-Dad in proper canine comforts.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
So cute!! Wish my girl was “touchable” like Frankie.. But she is loved just the same.
When I adopted my Siberian from the Sanctuary, they told me that when they took him for walks, he would stop in the middle and roll over for belly rubs. He still loves them, and I love giving them to him and watching how happy they make him. Frankie is so adorable in those photos.
Seeing young Frankie is so adorable and oh boy did he LOVE those belly rubs!
He still does! The scenes from this post repeat themselves most every day.
A perfect plan for ANY kind of day…rainy or otherwise!
I have a “non-breed standard” sibe and a mal, and I’m always amazed how petite most sibes really are. Frankie is such a cutie! If you ever need a stand-in to rub bellies, give me a call. 🙂
That sure is the best way to spend a rainy day!
Lucky you!
Kisses and hugs
Awww, you are so loved!
Frankie, you are just too cute!
Woo, does that look like a great way to spend time – rain or shine!
You know that old saying, pet a dog and you’ve got a job for life!
It looks like the perfect rainy day option to us, too! Did you get any of that steak the Hu-Dad had?
wooo high paws Frankie, sure looks like you got the belly rubbing position off to a fine art.
You are absolutely adorable frankie. Belly scratching is always a good thing.
Frankie, you are just such a ,,,,,,,,,, Frankie!
You don’t need to wait for a rainy day to get belly rubs
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