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This delivery is for some work we are having done around our field this week. Rusty, however, is convinced that this is his personal toy and wants to know when he gets to play with it.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
You should totally be allowed to drive, Rusty!
And just think — maybe they could get it to come back in the winter, so you can move snow around, too. Build your own snow mountain even.
YES!!!!!! The large earth-moving equipment Dogs have finally heard our prayers! Rusty finally has his own toy. We’re so happy for you, Rusty – even if it only lasts a week.
Rusty!!! That is SO COOL!!! Can I come over and help you break it in?!?!
Play bows,
Rusty …. such a PAWSOME christmas gift!! We want to see a picture of you maneuvering the big machine!!!
Licks & Nibbles,
Kody & Nia
I hope he gets to drive it at least once…a day!
He at least gets a ride on it, right?