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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
How long did it take to get that untangled???
I always wondered what Juno was thinking when she froze seeing her first alpaca. She didn’t freeze around horses though. She wanted to play with them. Good memories your way back Wednesdays bring up.
Well at least YOU are still standing and aren’t wrapped up in the middle of that tangle!?
At least a human leg was not among the tangled mess!!
Hu-Dad I always admire the way you manage to walk with the HERD and the leash that has to become tangled when SOMETHING is spotted by one or ALL of them!! Good job!
Tasty! I mean, pretty!
Hey Thundering Herd, Jet here.
That looks like JJ, Dixie and me when we see, Winchester, the peacock! (we’ve recently named him Winchester!)
So, did you have turkey for dinner? It looks mighty tasty!
Nothing like a good leash makhrame to make fur a special walk!
My Golden Khousins and I sooooo love to treat Mom to a special projekht like that!
You pups weren’t thinking mostly Yum-yum thoughts about those turkeys, Were you? You gotta live and let live!
That’s quite a Turkey Tangle! Excellent dance moves, Herd!
jack & moo
Oh, we know the Siberian dance well. We would have done the same!
Oh, I’ll bet that turkey family is lucky the Herd is “all tied up”! The leashes almost look like they’ve been braided!