Wrestle-Mania Monday

Blue Eyes

Rusty here with my ring side seat. Ready for a little Monday action?


Cheesewhiz on the left, Frankie on the right – both young enough not to worry about all of our heat.


Frankie throws the first chomp.


But Cheesewhiz is not bothered at all, and trash talks the youngster.


And then throws down a real chomp.


Frankie lays in a good neck scruff grab, knocking Cheese back a couple of steps.


And then Frankie pulls forward, hoping that Cheese does not regain her footing.


Too late, Frankenboxer, the Cheese is pushing you back on the ropes.

Super Frank

But now it is Super Frank, flying through the air (and hoping that Cheese does not move like she did last time as he crashed to the floor).


Nope, he got her. Of course, she’s got him at the same time.


Best of friends, they will take a break for at least 30 seconds before starting all over.

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  1. Huffle Mawson on July 2, 2012 at 6:57 pm

    I love a good smack down. Especially from a safe distance!

  2. Ice 'n Ayla on July 2, 2012 at 2:37 pm

    Me ‘n Ice love to play like that sometimes, too, as OLD as we are! We bite, and grab, and wrestle, and growl, and snarl, then when it’s all over, we just lie down together, side by side, on the lawn for a rest.

  3. houndstooth on July 2, 2012 at 2:37 pm

    My money is still on Cheese Whiz, but Frank the Tank does give her a run for her money. They could take that SWF show on the road!

  4. Carolyn on July 2, 2012 at 9:55 am

    It makes me grin to see them in action!!! I am so glad they are buddies. 🙂

  5. jane on July 2, 2012 at 7:47 am

    I know i can’t understand when bruce wants to play hard when it is hot out. I think he’s crazy too. That was a great match too. I would rather watch animals play like that than actual wrestlers and i do watch wrestling sometimes lol. You guys are awesome.

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