A Mixed Scene

A weird mix of a scene from our field if you look closely (don't worry, we will point it out in the next two pictures).


To the left, the very last snow we could spot at our neighbors, Cataloochee Ski.


And, to the right, a few of the horses grazing in the green fields of Cataloochee Ranch.


Oh, well, at least spring means lots of hiking on our favorite trails.

P.S. – And the other thing about spring in the mountains (ok, well any time in the mountains) – the weather is very unpredictable. The pictures above were taken just before lunch Sunday. Here it is at 7:30 pm Sunday evening and the temperature is hovering at freezing and a mix of rain, snow and sleet is falling. The weatherman had warned of a chance of snow showers tonight, so no telling what we will actually get. Maybe that little patch of snow has a little more life in it. (Before anyone asks, we have seen snow here into May).


  1. HUSKYS RULE on April 23, 2012 at 10:21 pm

    Weird weather we have had this winter/spring……
    Hope ya’ll get some snowflakes!!!
    Licks & Nibbles,
    Kody & Nia

  2. RumpyDog! on April 23, 2012 at 9:56 pm

    You still got more snow in that one photo than we got all winter! *pout*

  3. Susan on April 23, 2012 at 8:35 pm

    No chance of snow in April or May in Dallas – well, at least, I’ve lived here for around 40 yrs. and never seen it. There was snow on the last day of March once – I think in 1987. I remember because I had to get gas that day. The ground was too warm for it to stick though.

  4. houndstooth on April 23, 2012 at 7:03 am

    I’m glad you are getting the snow and not us! I’m sure you’re enjoying it so much more than we would!

  5. Ice 'n Ayla on April 23, 2012 at 5:55 am

    If you get snow there this week, you won’t be alone. Our hu-Mom told me ‘n Ice we’re sposed to have snow flurries a couple of times this week, too. And here in our part of BC, it’s TRADITION that it HAS to snow on the long weekend in May (Third weekend in May everoy year).

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