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The power of the dog blogging community is evident in so many ways. We want you to check out one of our all-time favorite blogs, but we also want you to check out this one special post about K, a dog with the most amazing eyes. Please click here. And to see an amazing video of the creation of this portrait, click here. Carpe Diem.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Super beautiful eyes!
Kisses and hugs
gorgeous, i think huskies and hounds have the most mesmerizing eyes.
Cheoah is a pretty girl with beautiful, amazing eyes! And Frankie is a handsome boy with big sad brown eyes, like my dog’s.
They do have quite lovely eyes. My mom persons says that mine are like little chocolate marbles.
Nubbin wiggles,
I’m still in awe of that portrait every time I look at it! I made it through KB’s post, but then Kathleen’s video got the waterworks going for me.
I think Cheoah has fantastic eyes! Have you tried photographing her up a little closer than that outside? I’m betting that would make a stunning portrait!
I think you are so right the eyes realy do have it..Those pictures show it so well. I just had tears in my eyes when I saw the portrait and was so pleased to have played a tiny part in its happening.. Hugs GJ xx
Oh Dog! I love those eyes!!!!
Hi Y’all,
Wanted to stop and say hello! How are y’all doin’?
Eyes say it all.
My Human is havin’ problems solving why my posts have stopped posting automatically. Sigh 🙁
It’s meant I’m not gettin’ around to keep up with everyone.
Hope y’all had a great week! Have a wonderful weekend!
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Since my mom is one of those ‘eye people’, she was mesmerized by K’s portrait –
Thanks again fur inviting us to be part of the surprise seen ’round the world!
My Hu-Mom says my eyes are like “Golden Honey”, but Ice’s eyes are a really, “Ice Blue”, the kind of eyes that when he is looking at her, he is seeing right inside her. Hu-Mom says that’s the eyes of the “Spirit Dog”, that don’t look AT you, they look INSIDE you.