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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
So funny – I’ve had several beagles plus my current beagle-mix do this. I thought it was a beagle thing!
[Found my way to your site from Roxanne Hawn’s site. Great photos. Gorgeous gang you have there!]
Jackie (& Rita, the beagle-mix wall-/curb-walker.)
wow! Talented dog!!
Wow, Kiska! I think I saw that scene in the movie, The Titanic!
Grrreat skills!
Kisses and hugs
Maybe she’s practicing her beam walking for the Olympics!
Kiska, you make it look like an art form!
wooo way to go Kiska!
Stop on by for a visit
She’s a “well-balanced” girl! Ha-roo roo roo!
Jack a-roo
Walking on walls is a doggie thing–humans wouldn’t understand.
~ Daisy
Ha!Ha! I don’t know why they do this. Fred always has to walk right on the edge of the curb and I’m afraid he’s going to fall off!
Same reason goats fight over a rock to stand on. It is the king of the hill mentality. Just a little higher, just a little clearer walking path. lol
Leena would never do that, she couldn’t walk in a straight line long enough.
Kiska! you surprised me! I was sure this was another Silly Rusty post. Look at you go girl!
why do they do this? juno does it too in little tiny places…juno walks on a tiny curb by our house all the time, or she’ll jump up on the sitting ledge by the lake… so funny!