Hiking Rest Break

Frankie and Kiska

Frankie here. The hu-dad says that we can get into trouble when we stop for a break on a hike, but I am here to disprove that.


Kiska lets the cool mountain breezes rustle her long flowing coat.


Queen Natasha the Evil (trust me on this one - the evil comes out if you offend her by, like, breathing her air) surveys her domain.


Rusty has the honor of first coat blowing this spring, so he just stands around and drops fur.


Q-Tip is growling at the ground because, well - oh, I don't know. Because he is the Q-Tip?


Ok. My brother is a little weird.


  1. Wild Dingo on March 16, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    it’s funny when they blow their coat, the look dreadful. the only time they look bad.

    meanwhile: FRANKIE! sigh. i can’t help it. he’s just a black and white after my own heart.

    and Q, well, let’s just say, who wouldn’t adore woo?

  2. Susan on March 15, 2012 at 9:40 pm

    Rusty really does look awful!

  3. Natasha on March 15, 2012 at 9:21 pm

    I adore huskies…And yes, Natasha is my name:))
    “Queen Natasha” is my girl.
    Herd is aboslutely beautiful.

    I am planning to get husky sometimes in the future. Any suggestions, how to chose?


    • D.K. Wall on March 15, 2012 at 9:42 pm

      Yes – find your closest Siberian Husky rescue organization and work with them. They will help you learn about the good – and bad – about the breed. They will also help you find the right dog to fit your situation.

      A list of rescues by geography can be found at http://siberianrescue.com/

  4. Linda on March 15, 2012 at 6:09 pm

    I like that. Q-Tip growling at the ground – just because.

  5. Huffle Mawson on March 15, 2012 at 5:40 pm

    Hi puppers! Good to see you are keeping the hu-dad busy.

  6. Elmo & Mouse on March 15, 2012 at 2:25 pm

    what happened to Cheoh? You didn’t mention her at all.

  7. Miley and Maggie on March 15, 2012 at 12:35 pm

    BOL! Great shots, love that Q tip!!

  8. Stella on March 15, 2012 at 11:31 am

    Just your standard six Sibe family, out taking a hike!


  9. Ice 'n Ayla on March 15, 2012 at 11:29 am

    Our question was going to be the same as Kody’s this morning — where’s Cheez-whiz? I love Q-tip growling at the ground. My Dad Ice is starting to blow coat now, too, but not as bad as Rusty. I like to hang onto my coat ’til about the middle of summer, just in time for my new one to come in. Frankie, what kind of trouble can you get into on a “rest stop”. I’m open for new ideas! ——— Ayla

  10. The Ao4 on March 15, 2012 at 11:18 am

    I wonder what the ground did to Q?

  11. HUSKY'S RULE on March 15, 2012 at 9:23 am

    What could be under the ground that Q was keeping away from y’all??? Everybody looks great & us cause trouble (hehehhehehe….sibes get such a bad rap)!!
    Licks & Nibbles,
    Kody & Nia

    PS…Kody here…where is my girl Cheese??

  12. houndstooth on March 15, 2012 at 8:28 am

    Well, hey, our quirks are what make us the most endearing, right? Isn’t Rusty always the first to blow his coat? When is the Floof Auction going to be held?

  13. Kate on March 15, 2012 at 8:17 am

    I think this might be one of my favorite Herd posts! I love the personalities of each pup…Frankie has figured them out perfectly 🙂

    Oakley is blowing his coat now, too. He seems to be very protective of his “puffs” and we refer to them as “Horton Hears a Who”. He doesn’t like that we remove them and gives us the saddest looks!!

  14. Khyra on March 15, 2012 at 6:40 am

    But I’m sure woo will keep him!


  15. The Rat Patrol on March 15, 2012 at 1:49 am

    Hey Frankie, Princess Daisy here. If you think your brother is weird, you should see mine! Mojo likes to sleep on his back with all his business splayed open to the world, which is just rude (hu-mom thinks it is funny; I do not). Me, I’m a lady (and a princess, did I mention that?)–only time I roll over on my back is when demanding belly rubs and chest scratches from hu-mom. I demand them a lot because, well, a princess is supposed to make demands!

    As soon as hu-mom gets off her duff and makes our Facebook page (hint, hint, ma), you will see what I mean.

    Love and slurps,
    Princess Daisy

    P.S. Hope you don’t mind that we borrowed your prefix for your human. “Hu-mom” is so much cooler than just plain “Mom.”

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