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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Very pretty scenery, and you are looking good too! Our Rody is blooming too!
Kiska, I think that first pic of you is the prettiest of them all!
Play bows,
So could we, Kiska, so could we! Have a wonderful weekend.
I could just stare at Kiska all day! She is such a beauty, she reminds me of another husky I knew years ago whose parents told me she was a “throw back” to the old breed. I don’t know if thats true but look at the photos of the individuals on the side bar and see how unique she is!
Stella (and Jo)
I don’t think those mountains look bald or like a frying pan. Apparently the guy who named them was drunk!
Hey Kiska, do you want to come share my cool air vent?
Khady Lynn
You look thirsty Kiska!
It is so beautiful up in your mountains, did hudad move there so woo could have stunning backgrounds for photos of woo beautiful huskies?
jack & moo
Pawesome view!
Happy Friday to all of you!
Kisses and hugs
So could I Kiska…so could I.
Wow! Those views are very beautiful!
How exciting.
I can’t get over the views you have. So beautiful!
I am looking at the Kisssska! So beautiful there…. and the scenery is pretty, too!
with love from the Bleu (and also that rascal, Reufus… of course)
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!!!! It’s summertime!!
Kiska, it looks like you’ve got the best seats in the house!
Happy, Waggin’ Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me
You look so relaxed Kiska & the view are gorgeous!! Have a great weekend!!!
Licks & Nibbles,
Kody & Nia
I wish I were there to stare at it with you, Kiska! My option is the cornfield. I hope you get to go out and enjoy those beautiful vistas up closer!
Cutie pie Kiska face! Perfect start to a Friday.
And I khould stare at your fluffy beaWOOty all day too –
Along with the pawesome scenery!
Happy FrEYEday!
That mountain looks anything but ‘Bald’, BOL!
What a stunning view and pretty plant. Must be really beautiful there at the moment…freezing here. Sadly no snow (otherwise we’d invite you :))
hey Kiska,
I am with you. What an incredible view! And I bet the air up there smells so crisp and clean! You sure picked a pawsome spot to rest!
Love the first photo of you! :->
I could stare at that all day too