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We recognize that many of you are buried under snow and a deep freeze, but we are in a weird position. You see, the weather has been warm and – brace yourself – rainy for the last couple of weeks. A lot of our snow has melted and, coupled with all of that rain, our normal walking areas are mud pits. We don’t have a problem with that, but apparently the humans prefer not to slog through mud. No we can’t explain their aversion to a good muddy walk, but we have to deal with it.
We had to run errands into Asheville yesterday, so the humans stopped at the Riverlink Greenway that connects the French Broad River and Carrier parks – all run by the City of Asheville. You can start at one park, walk those trails, take the greenway to the other park, walk those trails, and return. In the middle of Carrier Park is the Mellowdrome, which is the old Asheville Motor Speedway – one of the old short tracks of Nascar. If you are interested in its history, you can read a great article about it here.
Anyway, there was no snow and very little mud, but the humans seemed to enjoy it anyway for some reason. So with all of that introduction out of the way, here are some pictures from our walk in the park:
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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
wooo looks a fun place for a siberwalk 🙂
Hey, WE went exploring Parks this weekend, too! Momma is trying to find a site to hold a 2MillionDog Puppy Up Walk for Canine Cancer Awareness and Research in Albuquerque and we went to help check out some prospects! Your Park would be perfect!
You mite want to clue your hoomans into the fact that some peeples pay lots of green papers fur mud bafs. Supposed to keep them young looking or something. Yours could join you and has mud bafs fur free. But then I has not been able to convince my mom of that yet either.
No snow, no mud – so where’s the fun in that? But, you, as The Herd, made it fun, I’m sure!
I cannot imagine rainy and warm right now. Sorry about that.
Looks like a very nice walkie for all of you!
Sorry your snow is gone!
Kisses and hugs
I can’t believe the snow is gone!! wow!
wow! new places for us to see! yay! that Roo… he’s such a clown!
Wow! Who knew snow could disappear that fast?
Now thats a total landscape transformation from a few weeks ago!
Looks like a fun park!! We like the mud but our humans aren’t that crazy about it either. Silly humans!!
Licks & Nibbles,
Kody & Nia
We’ll trade the snow for your warmer weather! 🙂
I laughed SO hard on our walk yesterday! It appears that someone in our pack has been taking notes from Rusty. Walking in that park looks like a slice of heaven to me! I got conned into hiking through two feet of snow.
It does look like it was a great day to go for a walk in the park.
Lawn bowling? Never seen that around here before.
Our weather has been like yours, warm and springlike. Isn’t it nice to get a respite from winter and enjoy the sunshine? I hope the Herd thinks so!
I thought that khousin woo saw looks like King Sky Boy!
PeeEssWoo: Poor Mango in Master Chew Sits has evil slush on the once frozen zillion feets of snow khourtesy of some thunderstorms – he thinks it took an hour fur his DOH to get to and from the mailbox!
We are SO jealous. All we have is ice right now. Our yard is ice, the sidewalks are ice, the parks are ice. It’s been a full week of terrible horrible ice!
Do other huskies react funny when they see your Thundering Herd?
there is just no explanation for Rusty, is there.
As always, envy your lovely places to walk.
No snow? We still have a lot covering our yard.
We loved the pictures of the converted speedway into a bike/walk path. Can;t wait to see your next post!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Glad you enjoyed your no snow, no mud walk! I can’t wait to see the grass again here!
Interconnecting parks, what a great idea!
Don’t you know how to lawn bowl? Time to learn, you certainly have enough for a team.
Spring at last???