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Ok, pups, this is going to sound really weird. We are getting around 2 feet (~60 cm) of fresh snow at the house. Too bad we are not there to enjoy it. Yep, our humans decided not to stick around and enjoy all of that snow.
Our humans have once again loaded us into the RV to “escape” to the beach for the post-Christmas week. Something about the only week they can get off work and escape the cold and snow. We like the beach enough, but who would want to escape 2 feet of fresh snow? We just do not understand.
So we made our humans walk us around Charleston, SC this morning (Natasha still being restricted to short walks because of the “acorn incident“). But what fun would that be without some snow?
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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
Is the snow following you guys? 🙂
Not fair, right?
Happy Holidays to all of you!
Kisses and hugs
So glad that your Christmas Wish came true! Hope the Queen is back to normal soon and that all did enjoy the rarity of a SC White Christmas…one of only 8 since 1884, I think I read!
I can’t believe your humans made you all leave when you were going to be getting all that snow!! You should totally destroy something when you get home!
Some of us like the warmer weather! 🙂
Sorry to hear that you’ve got such disappointing snow this year. I’m sure it’ll get better soon!
Merry Christmas!
Yup pup, that’s some pretty flimsy snow….but with 2 fret coming down, maybe it’ll still be there by the time you get loaded back into the rv to head home!
jack & moo
(We finally have a decent amount here!)
Always fun to go somewhere in the RV! We opted for the snow…but just as a few days’ trip…. Sounded like you had a nice time in South Carolina 🙂
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
That’s not snow! I hope the two feet of it are still at your house when you get home.
So much snow on the east coast, I miss it! But now living in CA I don’t miss scraping the car. Stay warm everyone.
Good idea. Looking at all the nasty cold weather outside, and remembering the soaking my dog and I got on our morning walk, I think we sould have hightailed it to a southern beach as well. Now that the holiday is over, snow has lost any ounce of charm.
We all are wishing we could join you in Charleston! It’s cold and snowy here! We’d be happy to trade places with you for the week! We’re even willing to put up with the Hu-Dad’s poor fashion sense for some of that weather!
Oddly, our bipeds don’t think 2′ of snow sounds wonderful. ???
Play bows,
Jealous here!! Charleston is a wonderful city dogs, enjoy it while you can! And bring me back some shrimp and grits if you don’t mind. 🙂
Thanks for the recommendation about Musher’s Secret, I’m going to track some down today. I know it works well to prevent paw pad problems, but is it ok to put on an existing cut?
Thanks!! I should have known you would have a good answer 🙂
Sorry you can’t enjoy your snow!
You’re missing snows?? What’s wrong with your peoples?? I say it’s time to snag the keys and turn that RV around!!
We bet the Herd can’t wait to get home. But even the light snow you have is more than we have. Mom is determined to get the Dadster to Charleston in 2011. She just loves it there.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I’m so glad to hear that Natasha is doing better. How exciting that you got to go on vacation…I think the snow likes to follow your herd!! I hope you are able to get into your long driveway when you get back home with all the snow hitting the east coast.
AARF Kasha the Dainty Great Dane
You should has commed to the beach in Noo Joisey and you would has had the beach AND a gabillion inches of know!
Snow or beach… and then you wound up with both! Score for the Herd!
Congratulation on your induction into HULA! A lot of hard work went into that effort! Truly admirable from Stumpy’s point of view!
I feel your pain Kiska!
I have grass and blue sky here BUT I did appreciate the offer to use your place in your absence –
I wonder if Mom would notice if I took The Xterra to NC?
“Escape the snow”?!?!? I can see how a Herd of Sibes would be mystified by that statement! We’re planning a similar escape in a few days… to the desert (where it will still be very cold but fun).
I’m so glad that the Queen can enjoy the beach with all of you.
I’m so glad the snow found woos. I wouldn’t complain about the beach either.
have funballs.
Good thing all that snow will be waiting for you when you return home. Otherwise, the herd would never forgive you.
Glad Natasha is feeling better. It’s so scary, isn’t it?
Doesn’t look so warm to me. Are you going further south?
Glad Queen N is doing well.
So furry glad that Natasha is doing better! I hate the “horka”!!! And I know she got tons of lovings for Christmas! Of course, woo has crazy hoomans! Leaving snow? Leaving??? INSANE!!! Poor huskies, denied the beewootiful fluffy goodness. Shammie shammie.