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As regular readers know, The Herd is often left in the Jeep while the humans pop into some restaurant for some food. What horror, huh? And they park the Jeep so that the humans can watch The Herd for their safety. Or so they say. We think they park that way so we have to watch them eat. So how does Queen Natasha the Evil amuse herself while the humans are eating in front of her?
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Ah the QUEEN, ever Regal even when begging!!! I miss her! That face!!!
I swear a Sibe could get money from a homeless person!!
LOOK at that face on Queen Natasha’s face!!! It looks like she’s starving(NOT) Hu-Dad! I wonder how much change was dropped into the Jeep for her-lol?
Now that is an adorable look, she looks so cute!
Oh, yeah. You’ve got the look down, Natasha! My mom would cave. Well, she’d go find your hu-dad, then ask if she could give you some food.
Tail wags,
You need a hand-lettered cardboard sign. And a spot at the on-ramp of the freeway.
Sometimes even the Queen has to take a bite of humble pie. Poor thing…looks like that’s the only kind of pie she got. What a gorgeous expression!
Do the humans at least bring out styrofoam boxes for you…what they call “DOGGIE BAGS?” With the look the Queen has mastered I bet you guys make big bucks panhandling while hu-dad eats.
Eva, Brice, and I are taking notes!
She definitely knows how to work it!!
I’m surprised they don’t howl! I can already imagine the sounds coming from Sam if we left him in the car and he could see us eating!
We sure hope the Humans, including yours; understand the wrath of an Evil Queen denied and gave in to your wishes.
Remy and Flash
Bet that beautiful face snagged lots of good things:)
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hope you didn’t drool on those little kids.
I droll all over mom’s arm when ever she eats something in the car.
Awww, what a poor, mistreated, picked-on girl! Sheba wants to know if that act works any better for you than it does for her.
So does it work? Do you get money and food?
We like to eat at cafes that allows dogs at outdoor tables. I don’t even want to think about what that would like look with 6 sibes and 2 humans.
However, I’d love to see video!
Oh Sweetheart! Where do I send my change???
Emma Rose
Ah, dear, sweet Natasha. Hungry, probably verging on starvation. Did you score anything from the passersby? I didn’t think so. Next time, add a little weak whimpering to your act and see if that doesn’t get you something!
HARROOOOO!!! That is too funny!!! Did the sad face work?
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
O The Queen…! You convinced me! I have rummaged frew our pantry and am sendin a care package off today!
wif love from the Luke
P.S. I so hope the end of this story included pizza bones!
I’d give Natasha anything she asked for. I don’t see the “evil” part so she’d melt my heart!
All hail the Queen! Bipeds are suckers fur a sorrowful Siberian face like that.
jack & moo
PS – its awfully mean of your hu-dad to eat in front of woo like that! Just sayin…
All she needs now is a cup holder hanging on the outside of the jeep with a sign on it. “Will sing for cash, sled dog out of work, no snow”
Mr. Taleteller
Matt and Morgan (and the greyhounds)
Who… tell me WHO can resist that sad starving face???
Even if I were starving myself and I only had a small bit of pork, I’d share it with you!
A sibe’s gotta do what a sibes’s gotta do. Do you share your scores with the rest of the herd?
Natasha, have you considered taking up acting? I think you’d have a lot of money for Siberian snacks if you did. I’m betting you’d have leading roles all the time!
I love how they all can’t help but be sucked in by that face of hers!
QNTE you should score big because that poor starving siberian face is spot on!! You just need Cheoah to make her squeal & that would seal the deal!! Let us know how it works out!!
Licks & Nibbles,
Kody & Nia
How many victims you’d collected, Your Majesty, Queen Natasha?
Ha ha ha, so cute! Did you land any good stuff?
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
I hope it worked, I can hear Ma sorting out her change!