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We showed you yesterday the first encounter we had with a snowman and Kiska’s gentle investigation. Let’s just say the next encounter was not quite so gentle.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
I’m cracking up over here…
Woo there, Herd~
Nice “add” to the snowman. Mom thinks woo should have smashed him in the end. She said summthing about “that’s how Mr. Bill seemed to end up”. She’s weird…but I’ll keep her. Summone’s got to tend to mi everi need.
Keep it furri, mi friends.
Your pal,
o noooooooooo!
wif love from the Luke
P. S. Couldn’t have done it better myself!
Lol love it!
kodi x
Wow! You have snow already! We’re probably gonna have to leave SC to see snow again. You sure know how to “greet” a snowman. BOL!
The Road Dogs
Hi Y’all,
My Human Momma says there used to be a little Basenji in the family and she did the “hike it higher” routine with her buddy a FlatCoat Retriever.
The Humans went to the other side of the mountain today and there is still snow there. We are much warmer here. It was 38 this morning and 69 this afternoon.
I’ve told the Humans to watch for the BlueRidge to close. I’d love to run up there…might even settle for the old leash. 🙁
See Y’all later!
Hawk aka BrownDog
You all sure do know how to mark your territory…
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
haha never seen a girl lift her leg before!
Words fail me. (and why does your blog tell me my comment was too short and I have to go back and try again???)
At least they left some pee-mail for the next visitor!
Wasn’t there a song about what not to do with yellow snow?
Oh nooooo Mr Bill….LOL!!!! Kiska just showing that Girl’s Rule!!! Looks like everyone had fun but the snowman!!
Licks & Nibbles,
Kody & Nia
I’ll have to tell Layla that she’s not the only girl who lifts her leg. She’ll be happy about that.
I don’t get the Mr. Bill reference – I think it was before I was born. But I enjoyed the story anyway.
Fluffy tails RULE!
PeeEssWoo: Mom is smiling about the SNL reFURence!
Ahhhhh! Snow!! We are still in the 80’s here in SoCal!! It’s crazy!!! And as a true Californian, Max squats to pee!!! Love my boy!!!
Two or three more trips and the snowmen will be wearing an all over yellow coat.
Remember, he who pees last, pees best.
Mogley G. Retriever
I expected a be-heading but the marking was just as good! Way to go Herd – the snowman is now YOURS.
Woooo gotta show them snowmen who is boss! Death by pee melting 🙂
Way to go the herd.
Bwaaaa ha! Blueberry does that, too! I can just imagine the creator of the snowman coming back by and wondering what it’s been doing!
Yep, I used ta have a girl who lifted her leg. I guess women’s rights have made it to the canine world.
Oh no! Tee-hee… The poor snow guy, victim of a terrible walk-by peeing….
We are glad you are enjoying your snow!
Good one!! Boys will be boys but girls rule!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
We can’t believe you already have snow. How lucky!!!
Yup, at least they didn’t pull off his arms like I thought they were gonna!