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We don’t have this red clay at home. Makes the detection task MUCH easier. In order to identify the digging culprit at the house, the offender must REALLY get into it. Want evidence? Say from August of 2005 – a little flashback of the all time innocent look?
Miss Kiska has apparently been listening to her mentor all of these years.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Digging in the dirt is great fun! Sometimes we even take a bite.
Hee hee… I love the dirt socks you are wearing! That reminds me the fact that I haven’t done digging in the garden for a while.
I am glad that you liked my photo!
darn you red clay! you ruin everything.
I got caught today. The brown tongue and dirty nose always gives me away.
Tee-hee. What a cute look!
Oh, I’m sure they are not digging . . .
My mom is shuddering for some reason. I don’t know why.
Hahaha, that is priceless. We have red clay around here. Makes it very difficult for my very white dog to get away with digging, though she still maintains the innocent look even when she’s caught in the act.
No! Not Princess Kiska…she didn’t do it, someone must have put the clay dirt on her feet while she slept. Look at her innocent face!! ^_^
Now that is funny! Wasn’t me, I swear…
Well Hu-dad, I don’t see any actual digging going on, so I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Caught red pawed?
Some pup here gets the red feet from the freshly laid mulch, and then the brown ones from her gardening work:)
Woos – Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I absolutely LOVE muddy paw pictures. Only happy dogs have muddy paws:)
Emma Rose
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. That’s my story. I’m stickin’ to it.”
we just caught our husky on video this morning, butt up, head and front legs below the surface… yup, this time we have hard evidence.
Kiska must have been SOOOOOO worn out from her walks that she was khompletely unaware that the skhwirrels were framing her?
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
“I haven’t been digging. I’ve been eating Doritos.”
Red clay is awful to get off — i learnt my lesson when letting Dante frolick around in a red clay track in the rain one evening, NEVER AGAIN lol I can only imagine trying to get red clay off a thick coated dog! Good thing it’s only on the paws!
We believe woo, Miss Kiska. Not sure if we believe Natasha, but, okay- who are we to question the Queen?
jack a-roo & miss moo
looks like a good pedicure gone bad..someone got carried away with the nail (um dirt) polish…hehehehe!!
Licks & Nibbles,
Kody & Nia:-)
Diggin’ is the bestest.
woof – Tucker
Wooos Kisha!I love the innocent look, reminds me of someone…’
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I love Miss Kiska’s innocent look. She is definitely not guilty : )
Oh, Kiska! I think you were framed by a certain evil queen!
Ha Ha! Your guilty look gave yourself away!