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One of the great things about camping is that you get to explore new woods where animals go crashing off out of sight. Strangely, the humans will not let us go chase them. We don’t really look that interested, do we?
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
What was it? It sure sounds like it was a great weekend.
Woos – Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
How cool! Camping sounds like fun!
Never been camping, only barbecue party at the pool side..
I see no problem here!
I chased a small woodland creature today! But returned to Momma when I heard “COME! HERE! NOW!” which turns into a “time-out” if I don’t listen.
Brice the Big Game Hunter
I chased after a small woodland creature today! But I was good and returned to Momma after she called my name….. a million times. But may have been the threat of “Come!!!Here!! Now!!! which turns into a “time-out” if I don’t listen.
Brice the Big Game Hunter
Nope! Not much!
Kisses and hugs
Great picture – how cute!
Woooos Queen Natasha! Mum says that looks just like me when I see something good!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Where did my message go?
Oh no, you don’t look interested at all!
And just what is wrong with chasing animals? Squirrels are lots of fun to chase and birds, and bunnies and….
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Woo don’t look interested at all! Woo is jest warnin’ your paw not to git too close to da edge so he don’t fall over.
Husky kisses,
Another cool thing about camping for you must be wi-fi?!
I think that whatever that animal is, he’s lucky the Hu-Dad had a tight rein on those leashes! If Bunny had been there, she’d have been happy to help with the hunt!
You guys look like you would get into all kinds of trouble if you were let off your leads!
And if it were video, I know what the tails would be doing…slowly
Not interested at all…
Ohhhh – I don’t understand that either… If I could only go after those hissing cat thingys! But no! Teal’c here, Teal’c no cats, bad teal’c PAH! Little do they know those hoomans!!! 🙂
Slobbers Teal’c
We don’t understand this thing with humans – why can’t you go chasing!
Surely it would be good for your humans to chase too – think how fit they would be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps we often think sleeping dogs are the best!
Excellent “NatureWatch”.
If only those leads would disappear… we would find out who this mysterious creature was that is vying for your attentions
Hi Guys – I’ve been reading and wanting to comment on your recent posts but just never had the time! Anyway, it looks like the most awesome trip so far and I love your travel arrangements in your strange big car machine!!
Honey the Great Dane
OOOO, unknown animals in the woods can be scary!!