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After driving over to Big Ridge State Park, we unloaded the dogs just in time for the first wave of thunderstorms. Our timing is perfect, huh?
Since our walk was a little short (though we did take another walk after sunset (and the storms), but picture taking is difficult then), we thought we would answer one of the questions we got on yesterday’s blog. Where does everyone sit on the S-RV?
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
everybody looks all comfy & cozy but I have a question for ya….does Cheoah whine on the road trips?? My parents said that I whined on the first 1 1/2 hr into our trip (I was simply telling them a long story) they told be to be more like bubba who was laying in seat being quiet..where’s the fun in that.
Licks & Nibbles,
Wow, very neat how you have everything organized and the reasons behind it.
Perfect setup!
Everyone has a special place there!
Kisses and hugs
I find that rain bothers humans much more than Siberians. You should see our parents when there is just a little bit of drizzle!
I am happy you have cleared up my most organizational questions, and I am finkin…
My family has a little vacay comin up, and I was tryin to figure out how to make the Bleu more comfy…
I sure wish you were goin our way!!! Just sayin.
How does Rusty feel about being the smallest? Does he have Small Dog Complex?
Yay! Blog Hop! Woohoo!
Confusion strikes again. I’ve been leaving you the wrong comments on the wrong posts… So sorry. Just overwhelmed and swamped. Your comment on “bark-a-laureate” degree had us in stitches.
Love how you all fit in so well and comfortably!
Well that certainly is a great way to take the dogs with you. This is our first visit since we are hopping around. It looks like you have tons of fun with your dogs and they have tons of fun too. What a great thing to do to take them lots of places.
Have a great day.
Love catching up on the Herd’s adventures!! Sophie would love a day of running with this pack. 🙂 An impressive setup for sure!!
Thanks for visiting my blog, MAN!! You guys have quite a herd, WOW!! And quite a riding system. You do look like a cool and fun bunch of dogs!! I hope we can be friends!!
I love your setup! I used to go to shows with a lady who brought along 12 Jack Russels in a mini van – we had to get pretty creative when loading the dogs too!
The full setup is seriously impressive. Your pack rolls in style.
I love coming back for more Thundering Herd adventures. The S-RV is an amazing set-up! We may need something similar for the Newf – but with a king sized bed rather than a crate.
I hope I come back as a Sibe and end up in The Herd! Actually, I’m willing to be adopted! I promise to be less trouble than The Herd!
I was wondering, were you specifically looking for another dog when you found each of The Herd, or did you just happen to come across each dog in need, and decide you had to take that dog?
Hope the weekend isn’t too wet. Is there any room for Tartok and Ruby?
Woos- Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Can I sneak in a spot somewhere, looks much more fun then sitting at home!!!!
Can I be a Sibe in your Herd? geesh…they ride in style!
but where do the people go LOL
Girls Rule!