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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
Boo to brushing!!!
he just had to go and ruin an amazing spot!
Oh my – the peeps all over this fine country of ours have gone crazy. We had a similar attack at our house – hairbrush verses dog….hairbrush wins.
Goodness – that’s a lot of dog fur! Sorry your serenity was shattered in such a horrible manner!!!
You could make a third team with the fur and fluff removed!
I had said it was a lovely spot for a nice and relaxing time… and now I know the truth!
That does not look right!
Hmmm… I hope you all recover from that experience!
Kisses and hugs
At least you’ll be cooler though these next few months, right?!
I am so, so, so, SORRY, i actually laughed out loud at the pics and captions … LOL!!!!! Oy, everyone was tied up and then molested with .. a BRUSH! Under the favourite tree to boot! LOL Oh dear, i’m still laughing …
Oh, great Balto! I can’t believe that!! That is soooooo horrible!!! At first, I thought there were little mounds of snow under your tree but it’s HORRIBLE!!!!!!!! I hope all of you are OK! Brushes are EVIL!!!
Dear Herd,
Countless numbers of birds thank you for the wonderful contribution to their nest building. Just think of those eggs being protected by that soft and fluffy hair. Not the mention the cozy warmth for the little baby birds. What a great gift your hu-dad helped you provide.
So, have woo refluffed and restokhked yet?
Wow…that is a lot of fur. Looks like a sibe snowstorm.
How very sneaky of the hu-dad to let you think you were just having a peaceful time under your favorite tree & then he brought out the brush….augh!!!!!!
Kiska’s face says it all!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey Hu-dad you can make yourself an original husky hair sweater for this winter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy Moley… You guys have a ton of hair! It looks like you destuffed a bunch of toys….. wait – when I destuff my toys is it your fur in them?
woof – Tucker
Unbelievable! This is borderline abuse. We just got Furminated ourselves, all six of us, and our yard looks like the area around your tree! Okay, like a small sample of it BOL
hehehe. I thought that was snow on the ground at first! It’s fur!!! the horror! hehehe
Ruby and Kiva saw these photos and got frightened, but I assured them it was just some special light, fluffy snow that only falls around good little herds.
You’ve got we wondering about a huge pile of fur Kona and i saw recently on a hike. I thought it was a coyote…but maybe the siberian/hu-dad abuse made it’s way to California.
Your hu-dad could get a spinner, have them to spin it into yarn and make enough $$$ to pay for your kibble besides. Really, yarn is pricey these days! Just ask my Mom if you don’t believe me.
Waaaaah! We also thought that you were by a cotton tree. Wow… that’s a lot of fur. If only we can get them put put them on Mocha & Sugar to make them more fluffy.
It’s a little too sunshiny here in the Philippines so we are shedding whatever little fur we have. It does give us a cooler feeling. Although, Fudgie and Frappie are hoping their fluff grows back really soon and we hope the same for all of you.
By the way, Fudgie & Princess are blessed with 2 new piappies almost a month ago. Do visit us soon and meet Wai-Pai & Wai-Max.
-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies
ps: your photo under the tree is really pretty. =)
You really needed a disclaimer for that! That was scary and might really frighten some younger pups and the elderly! The humanity!
At least you have photographic evidence for the court case…
Look at the up side, first you will be cooler when the summer sun starts hitting you.
Second the Hu’s may have been planning a surprise. There may be enough hair that they can knitt you a new brother or sister.
Mogley G. Retriever
Oh, the humanity! Or doganity as the case may be!
oooh no that fluffffff
pooor fur , that so mean
El’bow & Hauwii
Woooos! Dog abuse! I am with Natasha the Queen on this one, I grumble, growl or bite the hand which removes my fur! I am so sorry all of woo fur having to put up with this!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
That’s a ton of fur!!! I think that the Herd should call the authorities to fully prosecute their Hu-Dad for his “abuse” π
Shedding season hasn’t arrived here yet. It will soon, I think.
dat’s doggie torture! Should we call the animal police??
I say, in order to get your Hu-dad back, you should slobber in his morning coffee. Just a little.
wags, wiggles & slobbers
Over here I am saving all that lovely undercoat to whip up into some fab yarn for a fabulously warm blanket!!! Can’t wait!!
wow, we love the header on your blog!
I am due to get the er, B.R.U.S.H. treatment later on today, apparently I have been lying in the dust. I mean what the heck is wrong with that?
I liked all your photos!
Thank you for sharing.
love and licks, Marvin xxxxxxxxxx
*gasp* All that fluff just left to go to waste?! After the torture of The Herd! I am shocked! No wonder you had some left to send into other cars subversively at stoplights!
Was that a job for The Furminator or what?
Your post title had me spooked! I see you were actually just lightening up a bit. Spring cleaning is abuse. I suspect Peta will be marching around hu-dads place any day now. π
You guys need to toughen up. π My greyhounds are facing the same routine and they have lots of boney areas to contend with. Hang in there! You’ll be cooler for it.
Well I suppose if the snow is gone then you should make your own! BOL!
We thought you were going to tell us that this was a Cotton Tree!
Think about all the mommy birdies that will be thrilled to have all that soft wonderful floof for their nests!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
It’s ABOUT TIME! Geesh. i was about to send Molly Maids over with the shop vac and just have them run it over 6 innocent-looking Siberians!
Kiska’s photo looks “pre-brush” tho. i mean, she looks 4x heavier than usual, or was the wind just blowing her coat in the opposite direcition? Either that or she needs to go see Jenny.
Although was it spinetinglingly great? (secretly?)
Rut roh… our huMom attacked Maebe with the brush on Friday. She says I’m next. Noooooooooooooo!!!
WOOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Oh My Dog!! And, the worst part is, you were all tied up!! You couldn’t even run away and escape!
Somepup call the ASPCA!!!!!!! Dog abuse! Dog Abuse!!!