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Today, we will show you the last of our beach pictures – taken on a pier down in Charleston, SC. And why are we still showing you beach pictures a week after we came home? Our hu-dad is mumbling something about busy-ness stuff that keeps him from hanging out with us around the clock. Oh, and apparently he claims it is hard to handle a camera in wind and cold and snow. Sigh. So hard to get good help. Well, tomorrow, we have a heat wave coming with a steady snow, a high of 19 F (-7C), and 20+ mph (30+ kmh) winds – we will demand that he takes pictures.
A number of you have emailed or commented and asked where we get our picket line that we showed you in this post. We get our picket lines, harnesses, and ganglines from Alpine Outfitters. The picket lines themselves are located on this page about 2/3’s of the way to the bottom. We don’t get any reward for it, but tell them The Thundering Herd sent you.
P.S. – Yes, we each have a X-back harness with our names embroidered in it. Cool, huh?
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Wow! Red Sibes! Reminds me of me good buddy Zackt!
He’s be super thrilled if he could join in!
I don’t think I would want to be so close to all that water!
You must be so happy to be home in your snow! 🙂
Mom says to keep the beach pics coming – it helps make her feel a bit warmer – and yes, she was inside filming this video – she and the cold do not get along very well:) Plus she had too many little munchkins running around that needed to be watched – that is why there is no sound on this video:) Have a great weekend.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Is that a trippy-trap bridge at the ocean?
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with taking a week to show us your holiday pictures. My mum drags hers out for a month! Of course, I don’t get to go on holidays so I wouldn’t know about that.
Woo made Maw furry nervous seeing woo guys near all dat water. We like da new header on your blog too. Your pa did a pawsome job.
Husky kisses,
Love the photos! You doggies sure have some fun adventures!
19 degrees F and 20+ mph winds? That is nothing! Your hu-dad should have no excuses for not getting good photos. Good luck!
woo need good help? I’m on the way. tell your hu-dad I work cheap. 😉
wild dingo
Nothing is going to sneak up on the red team!
Our harnesses are from Alpine Outfitters too and we have our names on them, but we don’t have the x-ones. I just wish Mom would get us a scooter!
I don’t want this to go to your heads, but everything about you guys is cool!
Stella, where we are promised a warm up for next week too! Waaaahooo!
Enjoyed those beach photos as we look out at yet more snow here!
Sorry to have been so lax about visiting lately! LOVE the new header – a great picture! And those beach pix are awesome too – we scrolled down to do a bit of catching up – so many posts about the lines and harnesses! Wow are you pups well trained! We saw sled dogs in AK last May and were entranced by the dogs and fell in love with them! BTW, thanks for sharing those photos of the wolves – beautiful!
Big Hugs xo
What are you all piering at? (RIMSHOT)
The Thundering Herd is pierless! (RIMSHOT)
Nice of Kiska to put in an appierance! (WAH-WAH-WAH-wah …)
Great seaside photos! Tell the herd that it is hard to handle leashes plus camera in such cold! Glad that a “heat wave” is coming your way. It’s heading here too!
I’ve never been to the beach. Thanks for sharing the pictures so I can experience it through you. 🙂 My mom is complaining about the weather a lot. Apparently she doesn’t like it when it’s cold and crisp out.
My 2 huskys would love 2 b up there with ya’ll in the snow tomorrow we were hoping for a little scattering of snow last night but we saw nothing here in Charleston. Keep up the great photos Thundering Herd gang:-)
Mom says Kiska reminds her of a Dr. Suess character with a pompom on the end of her tail. I would be willing to sell a few of my stuffies to be on the beach right now! I have a harness, but mine is pink and it does not have my name on it. I wear it for walks, if we ever get to go out again. Any chance we could see closer pictures of The Herd (maybe even Rusty) and their harnesses?
The Red Team make khwite the pawesome skhalene triangle!