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One of the great things about camping is the time we spend on the picket line. After our walk every morning last week at the beach, we would come back to the S-RV and hang out on the picket line for water, breakfast and just some relaxing time. We like to watch the other dogs being walked and the humans love the fact that people will stop by and chat because we are hanging out. Apparently, humans are fascinated by us on a picket line. So, here are some shots of how sophisticated we are on the line:
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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
My mom says its better for Rusty to get his digging out of the way while camping than in the yard at home. Do you think she will decide to take me camping more often for that reason?
BOL I can always count on Rusty to make me laugh! 🙂
They are all so cute on the line! I love it!
He’s headed for China by the looks of it! 🙂
Never been on a picket line before. Always solo..
You all look very sophisticated indeed in those pics, especially the last one!
I think Rusty’s goal in life is to keep people wondering what he is gonna do next!
I heart Rusty.
What’s that picket line for? Is it like a game or something? I’ve never seen one before.
Oh, see, when you said “picket line”, I thought you pups were protesting something. You know – HEY, HO! WE WANT MORE SNOW! Stuff like that.
Play bows,
You all look so relaxed and beautiful on your picket line. Camping is so much fun! I know you’re having a ball!:)
Teddy Bear
We think you all look wonderful on your ‘picket’ line!
Rusty is digging his way to Australia to visit me!
Ha roooo roooooo!!! We just knew you saved the best for last:) Great shots of everypup but oh Rusty, you take the prize.
Tail wags, Phantom and Thunder
Are the Mole-Men nearing the surface again, Rusty?
That first picture of Rusty is ADORABLE!!!! And Natasha chewing on the stick. If I saw you guys out on the beach I would definitely come over to say hi and you would never get rid of me again. 🙂
I khould barely get passed the khrossed paws but I did!
What pawesome pikhs all the way down and around!
PeeEssWoo:I am ‘khurrent’ly watching the elekhtrical khrew get ready to switch the wiring to the two new poles they planted yesterday – it is tough being a working breed BUT I gotta do it so our internet juice is safely transferred!
Your long-lost ‘brother-in-spirit’ R was very worried about the sophisticated look. He’s so glad that it didn’t last!!
Wooos! A tired sibe is a good sibe???? Whose quote is that? I am always good, except for when I am not… Love that Rusty!
-Kira The BeaWoootiful
Rusty! You have a hole, too? Is yours going to China or somewhere else?
That picket line is darned impressive! I had a feeling it was going to look like the chain gang. Our three would be one tangled mess on that line!
Bunny’s Mom
Rusty is a dog after my own heart! I bet there’s a mole or something down there. New website design is gorgeous, good job herd!
PS… The new header photo is beautiful!!! I think that’s the one I voted for!
A+ for good manners on picket line!!!
Rooster, are you in China yet?
Ok, first, my eyes thank you immensely for the new site design. Fresh, clean, simple, easy to navigate. Genius!
Second, cheoah is genius with that paw rest.
Third, Rusty, Rusty, Rusty… oh what silly boy you are. the herd clown!
Finally: seriously, you have to answer this. When your herd is on the drop line, do they go crazy and bark a lot when dogs/people pass or are they as polite as the photos show? I’m asking because I’ve been to a sibe show once with these drop lines and none of the dogs on a drop line was behaved. It’s like the drop line was an excuse not to teach public manners (“my barking lunging dog is contained so be on your way passer by” is the general sentiment.) My instinct says your herd is, um, interested, but behaved. am I right?
wild dingo
Depends on when they are on the drop line. Since the pictures you see are after we have been on a long walk and in an RV camping area, The Herd is actually very well behaved. Of course, A tired Sibe is a good Sibe is the trick to that one.
If we are hooking up to go pulling, they are a leaping, crazy, wooing group – but that is a different setting – usually out in an area away from people – and different time – we are hooking up to go exercising, not coming back from exercising.
That is so cool! All of you are so mannerly when you are on the picket line! The digging and the sticks don’t count☺
I’m always amazed when anyone has more than ONE dog! 🙂
Do you do in-home visits for training? 🙂