Really Big Dogs – Up Close and Personal

We have shared with you before The Herd’s fascination with really big dogs – you know, that breed called “horses.”  We were out for a walk and one of those big dogs came walking right past us with a human on its back.  The dogs were awe struck:


Qannik, Natasha and Kiska (and horse hooves in upper section of picture)


Kodiak joins them – “Did you see that???”

And why do we only have horse hooves in the pictures and not the entire horse and rider?  Errrrrr, photographer error.  We will work on that.


Special thanks to our pals over at Life with Big Dogs for selecting us as their blog of the week.  We are really honored.  Course, they will probably take away the recognition now that they know that our hu-dad is unable to get an animal the size of a horse in a picture.


Once again, we need to ask everyone to think of a pup who needs some special thoughts.  Tori was just settling into her new home with Jack and had to have an emergency operation.  Please think of them today.


And Queen Meeshka has issued a Royal Edict that no one else may become sick or injured.  We have had enough and are still thinking of our pals Juno, Tehya, Max, and . . . – Oh, everyone just get well!


  1. Lucky Luke on November 20, 2009 at 11:43 am

    Well… that is one big paw! And after all, best part of pitcher was tooken… and that is the you! 🙂

    Fank you for all ways rememberin all who need prayers. And fank you for all many times you check up on the me!

    wif love from the Luke

  2. Mr Koda MD on November 20, 2009 at 12:16 am

    oh! and here I was thinking that they were just big doggies!! I like them too

  3. Cosmos & Juneau on November 19, 2009 at 11:46 pm

    Hi-Woo All,

    We have never met R big horsie-bruthers Charlie & Bud cuz we R not allowed at the barn. But we see lotz of pics of mommy & daddy riding them.

    -da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-

  4. Maxx on November 19, 2009 at 9:55 pm

    Never really seen a horse! The biggest thing i’ve seen is probably a Great Dane.
    Will be thinking of our furfriends and sending good vibes and thoughts plus prayers, their way! Kongrats on your award!


  5. Teddy Bear on November 19, 2009 at 9:21 pm

    Those big dogs are VERY intriguing! I love seeing them too. We will definitely be praying for Tori. Congrats on the award.:)

    Teddy Bear

  6. the Army of Four on November 19, 2009 at 8:17 pm

    We sometimes see big dogs like that at the park. And Storm said there were dogs like that at Ft. Riley! She used to stalk them like a Border Collie stalking sheeps!
    Play bows,

  7. NCMountainwoman on November 19, 2009 at 7:54 pm

    Our Golden Girls encountered horses for the first time while we were hiking one of the trails in DuPont Forest. They both sat down in awe of the giant beasts. To further complicate things, one of the riders was holding a little dog. I wish I had captured the expression on our dogs.

  8. gus, louie and callie on November 19, 2009 at 4:54 pm

    Horse hoofs are fine.. Did you bark at that big pup?
    We sure hope to hear no more bad news either. To many blogger buds are sick..

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie

  9. Huffle Mawson on November 19, 2009 at 4:43 pm

    Yes, everyone get well NOW!

    Huffle Mawson

  10. Jack & Tori on November 19, 2009 at 3:04 pm

    Woohoo, I see those big dogs on the beaches sometimes. They are FAST!!!
    Thanks for posting my sis Tori’s pic & plight. We’re keeping paws crossed she stays stitched together and don’t spring no more leaks.

    a-roos to yous,
    jack a-roo

  11. Elizabeth & Luna on November 19, 2009 at 1:44 pm

    Yes those big dogs are quite fasinating! Luna will be meeting one for the first time next week!!

  12. Fiona (as typed by Dr. Liz) on November 19, 2009 at 1:43 pm

    Yeah, time to beat the photographer! Mom says that she’ll seek out some more Big Dogs for me, AND she’ll have the camera. We’ll see if that actually happens… Mom also says that she has a picture of a biped riding a Big Dog while walking a normal dog (but has she posted it? of course not…). Here’s to photos of us and Big Dogs in the Same Photo!!!

    *kissey face*

  13. Sierra Rose on November 19, 2009 at 1:21 pm

    Good snooter work on snooting out the BIG doogies! I have only snootered out a LITTLE big doogie (a deer)…. …..Will go over with some get well wishes.

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose

  14. Khyra on November 19, 2009 at 1:11 pm

    I just KNOW we’ll see the khomplete big dog pakhkage khwite soon!


    No more sikhk furiends PERIOD!


  15. JacksDaddy on November 19, 2009 at 12:19 pm

    Exactly. Everyone must stay well from now on!

    I don’t know how Jack would react around a horse. I think he might try to play with it!

  16. Mochi on November 19, 2009 at 12:18 pm

    I have never met a big dog before!

    Congrats on being selected blog of the week! 🙂

    I’m keeping my paws crossed for Tori and all of our friends that need it.


  17. Martha & Bailey on November 19, 2009 at 11:02 am

    We have stables very near our house and we are both fascinated with horses! Of course the best thing about horses in the lovely stuff they leave behind – no poop scoops for them! There is absolutely nothing like a good roll in nice fresh…………
    Congrats on your blog of the week – well deserved xx

  18. Denns the Vizsla on November 19, 2009 at 10:36 am

    Now this is a dictatorial fiat that I can support!

  19. The OP Pack on November 19, 2009 at 9:30 am

    We have never seen cows or horses, just those noisy mini-donkeys. But from the way you are all reacting, we think it is time for us to meet the really big dogs too.

    Yes, the list is way too long, let’s all use the power of the paw to get it down to zero.

    woos, the OP Pack

  20. KB on November 19, 2009 at 8:17 am

    We spend time with each of our young dogs teaching them to be well-behaved around horses. We don’t want them to cause a rider to be thrown. But, R was the funniest when he learned. We went for a hike with a horse-back riding person. R completely relaxed and seemed to think that having a horse join the pack was perfectly normal. He even did well when the horse galloped in big circles around in a meadow with R loose. That was, until the rider climbed off the horse. Then, R had a hysterical barking fit and was terrified. We believe that he had *no* idea that there was a person up there… He thought that the horse and person were one being. It was very funny!

    Don’t worry, he’s over it now!

  21. Kira on November 19, 2009 at 7:38 am

    Wooos! I know Horses are so big and cool too, I like watching cows too, and pelicans, and egrets, and bears……
    I will try to obey Queen Natasha’s edict!
    -Kira The BeaWootiful

  22. Wild Dingo on November 19, 2009 at 2:51 am

    Qannik’s the man! He’s totally ready to pounce! and um, until we see pix of those big horses, we won’t believe that you actually saw them…

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