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We took another part of the Mountain-to-Sea Trail up to Rattlesnake Lodge, an old home built in 1903-4 that burned from a lightning strike in 1926. The highlighted link for the lodge will take you to the history of the house and family, as well as dozens of pictures from the era. Hope you enjoy our hike.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
You are all so beautiful. You look like you are really in your element.
We loved the hike,
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Great hike. How lucky for you to meet a Golden on the way!
Oh my goodness, you guys are BEAUTIFUL!! We loved seeing you in ‘real life’ – thank you for taking us with you on your hike of course we would need to have had more sniffing ourselves!!!!!
The hike would have taken considerably longer……..
What a beautiful hike! You all are so good about seeing other pups, I would’ve ran toward him/her.
Teddy Bear
I love hiking with you. I think you need a team BLUE. Tell Natsha she gets a 9.4 on the balance beam.
What a great video! I’m glad to find your blog and your wonderful puppies!
I haven’t been to Maggie Valley in a long time!
Such gorgeous footage! Love the mountains. Looks like you had a great hike.
A wonderful hike! Me and the NSLM would love to have that opportunity.
take care
Great hike! Beautiful fall day.
Thanks for posting this wonderful trail!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
wow! your pawrents are so talented! My momster would have eaten rock trying to walk me and take a video! Thanks for sharing the wonderful hike!
Woo! Great hike! Nice balance walking over da log. Why don’t woo guys want to run or lunge at stuff like we do? Woo all hike so furry nice.
Husky kisses,
I always enjoy your hikes! Especially watching from the comfort of my couch.
Huffle Mawson
Thanks for always taking us with you on your awesome hikes! 🙂
I liked it when Kiska looked back at me and smiled. I mean … at the CAMERA! Yeah…. that’s it.
Play bows,
Great hike, we are exhausted now. Mom says she knows we would love to go on a trail like that but since she is nursing cracked ribs from just trying to make it up three stairs, she figures those rocks are not a good idea. We loved the look back at the camera by Kiska in the beginning. And Natasha gets a 10 from us for her balance bean work.
woos, the OP Pack
Very cool — I always used to love finding ruins out in the woods or meadows back east. Or even better, old graveyards!
Love hiking with the herd! They always look like they know exactly where they’re going.
Happy WW!
I love seeing all those dry leaves on the ground, and a few colorful ones still in the trees. When you showed the view from the trail, I thought “Oh my, those dogs must be very well trained. Otherwise, they could pull the humans right off the ledge!”. Tell Rusty that I said that, please.
So, how do you manage the camera while walking three dogs? Cyclists use ‘helmet cams’ to keep their hands free. Is there a dog-walking cam?
WOW.that floofy hiker was almost as floofy as you guys. and no barking or pulling? how civilized! i just noticed Qannik is surrounded by 2 gals and the red team has 2 boy…
“Thank you for Hiking with the Thundering Herd”
No, thank YOU, Thundering Herd for inviting us along.
Our extreme gratitude!
Jo and Stella
Great dismount! Woo so stukhk it!
I’m trying to figure out how Merdie made it and I didn’t!
Tank woo fur sharing the great views and great trails!