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Hu-Dad's Latest Musing
Our Hu-Dad shares the latest updates on his writing projects, the books he's reading, and other details in random musings posted on his website. You can check out his novels there as well.
Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
snow – we cant wait for snow – we love snow – whta a sweet idea
Woodrow – Sweetie – MJ
Hmm, I hear you can sorta kinda ski on wet grass … 😉
When the snow comes, Juno is packing her bags and headed your way. She’ll be a good girl and obey Natasha, Kiska and Cheoah. As long as she gets some durn snow already!
Mom is a ski racer, and she says that it is quite a bit harder to go fast on the green stuff than on the white stuff. That said, she is still happy to see green stuff at our ski areas; she says she’s not ready for snow yet. Me? I barely remember snow. It snowed like once before we went to Arizona for the winter. So this snow stuff should be sort of interesting…
*kissey face*
I can’t wait till you guys get snow so I can stare at the pictures and imagine sitting in it. *sigh*
and why are there no huskies in the pic?????????
Princess Eva
Hmmm. . John would like that. Kelly’s still happy that it’s summer. Me, Ozzie. .well, I THINK I like snow. But I live in Georgia, so it’s hard to say.
Maw says she ain’t ready fur snow yet. We didn’t really have much of a summer either. But we can’t wait!!!!
Husky kisses,
PS: Thank you for the beautiful comments you left on our blog today.
It won’t be long now!
Woos! What is snow??????
-Kira The BeaWootiful
We are so ready for snow here too! I wish it would hurry up!
Phbbb and KhL
How about if we all send our floof your way…
Woo khan take it ovFUR there and prep the hill!
PeeEssWoo: With all the rain outside my window right now, if ONLY it were KHOLDER it would be a Siberian paradise!
We won’t have any until October and hopefully November. It lasts a long time for us so we are willing to wait a little for it.
Funny, our local ski area is missing the same thing. Based on past years, they should get their first dustings very soon, and then it’ll start accumulating in late October/November.
Your herd must LOVE snow. Even my non-nordic dogs do!
We are hoping it won’t be too long before we see snow too – and certainly more than last year.
Happy weekend, the OP Pack
But, isn’t summer just leaving? How could there be snow yet?
Huffle Mawson
Ahhhhhh…. snow…. hope woo get some soon!
Dreaming of snow here also,
Kayla and Maebe