

Kodiak here.  Notice the sun is shining.  Well, the sun is shining in this picture.  But the weatherman is promising that the clouds will burn off this morning and the rest of today and tomorrow will be gorgeous.  So I have my leash on and am ready to go.  Shut down the computer.  Back away.  Start the Jeep.  Let’s go.


Qannik here.  Hole, what hole?  I don’t know anything about a hole.  Did you see all of the dirt that Natasha threw onto my face?  You see, if you will leave the computer alone and take us out hiking all day, she will calm down and not get into trouble. You know, A Tired Sibe is a Good Sibe.


Kiska here.  I even already have my seat belt on.  But here is what I think about working on the computer when it will be a pretty day today.  Pffffffffffffffft.  Enough said?  Let’s go.

Hu-dad here.  Ok, ok, ok.  Blog maintenance is postponed.  We had a little tiny crash Thursday night (little tiny being defined as the administrative panel disappeared for about 2 hours meaning I could not access the blog to make changes), and then that “busyness” thing got in the way.  So nothing more will happen for several days until I get some time.  Thought I would share a few comments though before taking off –

Huffle (whose real name is Stella, not to be confused with Stella) – ”                                                “.  – Yep.  Apparently, Huffle found out I turned on the “cat scan” which prevents cats from making comments.  Well, no, not really.  I upgraded WP Spamfree which blocked comments from behind proxies – a common technique among spammers, but, unfortunately, also some users. Successfully fixed.  Fortunately, Huff used the contact us box so we found out about the problem.  Betting others had the problem too.

Bricey the Ever Astute – “You did change the font.” – Yep, but that really was not what I was going for.  Part of the challenge that I have is that I tinkered with the template that I use.  Thus, everytime that I upgrade the wordpress software, those changes are lost and have to be rebuilt.  So you are actually seeing the “official” font of that template.  I thought the new template would be working by now, so never changed the font back.  Oh well.

But no one commented that the header picture has changed.  Well, the picture is the same, but the the website title and the dogs names are now on the picture itself.  Makes for a faster load.

Dennis the Vizsla Dog – “WordPress has manuals???” – You made us laugh.  The answer is, sort of.  They can be found at .

The Op Pack – “Knowing how knowledgeable your huDad is about computers, you are convincing us more and more to leave ours alone.” – We have tears running down our face from all of the laughter at that one here in the house.  Our hu-dad has actually had 2 whole classes in computers in his entire life, and both of those were in college many, many, many moons ago.  BASIC and COBOL.  Yes, COBOL, because some professor convinced him that was the computer language for business.  Boy, has that really been useful.  And the IT department at dad’s work would really find that comment funny.

We will leave the final comment to our buddy, Ozzie – “I am in fear for woo all.  Good luck on the up(down)grades.” – Enough said.

P.S. – Ozzie, we still think the new puppy should be called Harriet, because then your humans would have “Ozzie and Harriet.”


  1. Woodrow, Sweetie & Sherman on August 24, 2009 at 12:13 pm

    yes definately walks before bloggie – or anything else – except maybe food

    good luck on your upgrades

    Woodrow – Sweetie – MJ

  2. Mochi on August 23, 2009 at 4:02 pm

    I love it when my nose looks like Qannik’s…covered in dirt! 🙂

    Sorry I did notice the new header, but that was the day I was trying to comment and was having computer issues, so I had to come back and comment and forgot the mention the header. I do love it!!! 🙂


  3. Wild Dingo on August 23, 2009 at 2:29 am

    “administrative panel disappeared” … was it becuz you changed your wordpress URL address but that’s not where the files actually sit? that’s what i think i did once… that’s why you couldn’t get to the backend! oy, i was so mad…but luckily i know how to work with the files offline and change the links in the php admin files themselves so i could fix it! crazy.

    they advertise wordpress for the “average joe” but really it’s a developer’s platform… so you “do” need to know how to code. and it helps to have some sibes present. i don’t know why, but it just does.

  4. Kayla and Maebe on August 23, 2009 at 12:53 am

    Our huMom wasted a lot of time on redesigning our blog instead of taking us for walks. Guess it was all worth it though. We do want her to change our header pic because it is much too big.

    Our huMom also tried to get us to wear those seatbelt things. It took Maebe about 2 seconds to scooch her way out. Took Kayla about 5 minutes. Our huMom is sure she is doing something wrong. We would just rather not wear them!

    WOOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
    Kayla and Maebe

  5. Huffle Mawson on August 22, 2009 at 10:40 pm

    I think Ozzie and Harriet is a great plan! She could be called Harri for short.

    Mum says she has done about 11 days of web design school so she feels confident about changing my blog. I would like to remind her that last time she changed anything, she deleted my entire friends list and we had to rebuild it from scratch.

    Huffle Mawson

  6. Steve and Kat on August 22, 2009 at 9:48 pm

    I agree that walks should always come before computers. Also I think your Ozzie and Harriet idea is brilliant!


  7. Denns the Vizsla on August 22, 2009 at 6:08 pm

    I change Dennis’s header from time to time, too, but I like to keep it mum and see who notices first. Usually it’s Pink Daisy!

  8. the Army of Four on August 22, 2009 at 1:19 pm

    Woo! Look at Qannik! He’s turning into a freckle face, pickle nose!

  9. Stella on August 22, 2009 at 11:04 am

    Why all this upgrading/downgrading of blogs? If it works, work it, if it doesn’t fix it.

    Now I am going for a walk on a very pretty day.

    Stella(not to be confused with Huffle or any other cat for that matter.)

  10. Princess Eva on August 22, 2009 at 10:51 am

    We hold out greater hope for your humans to keep your blog up and running than we do for ours. Momma has been mulling over some “design concepts” for a few weeks. Considering that she has taken zero classes and managed to delete all of yesterday’s videos from the hard drive just seconds after she deleted them from the camera, we’re very scared that our blog is going to disappear and never come back!

    Good luck!
    Princess Eva

  11. Khyra on August 22, 2009 at 10:50 am

    Oh where to start…

    Let’s just say GMTA!

    During our Friday night walk, we saw two of those yummy bunny khreatures and thought the furry same thing about Ozzie’s new sisfur!

    I khould go on and on BUT then I won’t get to the other blogs awaiting my arrival!

    Happy Dreary Saturday – the front has stalled over us and I’m khwite happy with my fluffy butt parked on the patio in the damp!


  12. KB on August 22, 2009 at 9:48 am

    At certain times of the day, if I close my laptop, pandemonium breaks out. That simple act has become the signal for a hike setting my R off into a frenzy of barking, playing, and mischief. But, if I mistakenly close the laptop but then open it again, I am subject to the scariest stares that I’ve ever seen! So, all your dogs’ comments about the stupid computer made me laugh!

  13. The OP Pack on August 22, 2009 at 9:40 am

    What? We are first??? Where is Khyra?

    You sure could have fooled us because your HuDad has surely helped our Mom out a few times. Header looks great, love the yellow.

    And as for the 50 degree drop comment, Mom says Pffftttt!!!!! She likes it just as it is. Go figure – we want snow.

    Now, get on with the hike.

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