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As we have explained before, we live with lots of wildlife. Black bears are common. Coyotes can be heard singing on the ridgetop behind us. We can spot fox early in the morning. Elk live on the other side of the ridge from us (though we have never seen one on our side). A flock of turkeys torments us on our walks. We caught a good glimpse of a bobcat one day. And we have showed you before how some of Oswald’s cousins love to torment us.
But this latest wild creature stunned us. In all of our time up here, we have never seen one of his species. We lined up at our fence line and sounded the alarm. Our human clamored out to see what was wrong, but, somehow, did not have the same sense of concern that we did. He even grabbed his camera and calmly took a couple of pictures.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
wow a cat on the herds property – how dare it – doesnt it know beter
we would have to chase it
Woodrow – Sweetie – Sherman
Woo there Herd~
YIPES!!!! Looks like a recon mission to me…especialli with the black and white camo!!! Trying to appear summwhat Siberian-like to attempt a deeper infiltration. Good thing we are smarter than they are!!!
Your pal,
I think the Bobcat was using this to lure you out into the open. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Princess Eva
We have only seen a few of that creature around here too – good thing too because we aren’t sure we want them in our backyard. Cats seem to be creeping into a lot of posts today.
I think it is an INVASION! First this, and then that fraudulent feline stealing my namesake. We need to do something about these spies moving in onto our territorys. I will put them into my mouth.
hello thundering herd its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow i hav wun of those heer!!! she is always conkokting eevil plots so be kayrful becuz this wun luks just like mine!!! ok bye
that’s one brave kitty coming anywhere within a mile of the herds’ dog yard!
Your first cat? I have one that sneaks into my yard and teases me all the time.
“Catier!” the perfect Husky appetizer! boowhahahaah….
I don’t understand the TH’s problem. cats and huskies? aren’t they like, the same thing but dressed differently? ooooo… Wild Dingo is in sooooooo much twouble for dis statement! I will surely be pounced on by my sibe fore even thinking such a ridiculous thing. besides…my sibe went over agility courses today on command… can a “cat” do that? phoey, no way…
we had a semi-private lesson this week and the clinic owner (a k9 police dog trainer) was watching our sibe do the agility course off leash w/ mr. wild dingo and the whole time he’s like “these dogs are not meant for this type of work…they’re closest to being wild than other breeds” so he was quite impressed, i think. he’s kind of right. by “wild” he means “independent” not “wild”=bad… just not quite so…well-obedient! Juno was so keyed into my husband. made me proud.
I sure hope your humans don’t decide to adopt that creature. I promise you, that would be horrible!!
OH My goodness!!!!! It’s a good thing that there are six of you there to protect each other from this invasion! If you get a sniff in, please let me know 🙂
Careful it could be Macavity recruiting!
Macavity, Macavity, there’s no one like Macavity,
There never was a Cat of such deceitfulness and suavity.
He always has an alibi, and one or two to spare:
At whatever time the deed took place – MACAVITY WASN’T THERE!
And they say that all the Cats whose wicked deeds are widely known
(I might mention Mungojerrie, I might mention Griddlebone)
Are nothing more than agents for the Cat who all the time
Just controls their operations: the Napoleon of Crime!
T. S. Eliot
CAT! It’s a CAT! Stare, stare, STARE!!!
Woos! Better keep an eye on your toys, I think they are in cohoots with those squirrels!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
They are sending them out in an attempt to take over…
You won’t believe where Mom spotted one…
She said I khan post about it soon!
ROFLOL! That is too funny!