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We have shown you pictures this week of several of The Herd falling asleep after our Sunday afternoon hike. But one member of The Herd must remain alert and on sentry duty. That task fell to Kiska who was taking her job very seriously.
Aren’t those eyes intent? The stare piercing? The face serious? The ears, well, furry? Yep, you can see that wooly coat gene showing in the ears. Regardless, she maintained her sentry duty stare. Even when I walked around to her other side:
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Great job, Kiska! I love your furry ears!!! 🙂
I think those furry ears are so cute! I bet my mom would love to rub them.
Look at those furry ears! Can you still hear OK Kiska? They are awfully cute!
So, what do you do for fun, Kiska? I mean you don’t guard alll the time, do you?
I’m like those guys above, I fall asleep guarding, except if its storming, when I look for someone to guard me!
We love the woolies and think your ears are be-woooooo-tiful
It’s good to see a pup with focus.
Huffle Mawson
Wow, Kiska. You look wolfie! (and very beautiful).
I leave the sentry duty in my house to the humans. Kiska is furry pretty!
Our Goldens really do try to do sentry duty…but they always fall asleep anyway.
And she’s such a gorgeous BABE, too! Ha rooooo!
Play bows,
Great Job, Kiska, on sentry duty. You look amazing and marvelous doing it!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I too just looked at the profiles of all your pack (current & waiting at the Rainbow Bridge), and they are ALL amazing!!! Kiska is bootiful and looks like a great guard mom. 🙂
Gorgeous – i actually just went through all your dogs profiles and they are all amazing – i have 4 rescued English Bull Terrier – but grew up with Malamute Wolf mixes and huskies they are incredible dogs.
Deb and the bully brats
Kiska and I would get on furry furry well!
We khan both stare with the best of ’em!